
DOD's Takai honors IT excellence

The Army Enterprise Email Migrations Team was a big winner in the DOD CIO awards.


Pentagon exploring methods to mitigate insider threats

The Defense Department wants contractors to offer up ideas on combatting espionage, sabotage, treason and terrorism.


DARPA gears up for Cyber Grand Challenge

The challenge is a chess-like competition that pits teams of researchers against each other in a contest to develop unmanned cybersecurity systems.


Is Cyber Command ready to stand on its own?

Alexander's planned retirement offers a chance to reorganize, but the changes required are anything but simple.


DOD targets $1B in high-level staff cuts

Reorganization will move business systems oversight to CIO's office.


DOD issues new acquisition guidelines

The Pentagon's acquisition system remains largely unchanged, but the new guidance is designed to improve the critical early phases of the acquisition cycle.

Digital Government

DARPA's map apps transforming battlefield operations

A Defense research agency program provides digital imagery to troops on the ground and aims to build a library of apps that are simple to access and use.


Obama appoints acting deputy Defense secretary

Christine Fox, DOD's former director of cost assessment and program evaluation (and a real-life inspiration for "Top Gun"), will temporarily replace Ashton Carter.


Pentagon ponders going mobile with CAC

Any solution in this "very complicated field" will have to reach beyond the Defense Department.

Digital Government

At Pentagon, it's more mobile with less money

Tighter budgets are forcing leaders to find creative ways to upgrade their technology.


Cyber, intell in 'infant stages' of cooperation

The military is still determining how best to apply ever-changing technology to gathering and using intelligence.


The end of DARPA's 'halcyon' days?

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency looks for new challenges in a post-Iraq, post-Afghanistan world.


Military trusted traveler program spreads to more airports

TSA's expedited screening procedures for active duty troops will be expanded 10-fold before Christmas, in part by getting rid of card scanners.

Digital Government

Has open source officially taken off at DOD?

Security concerns and legacy systems have kept the Pentagon from fully embracing the latest technology trend.


Who's getting it right?

The Defense Department's mobile technology pilot programs provide a fast track for the use of smartphones and tablet PCs at the Pentagon and in the field.

Digital Government

Frustration mounting over budget uncertainty

Pentagon officials, legislators trade blame over lack of fiscal clarity.


Pentagon tech challenge: Adjusting to an uncertain future

As budgets decline, Pentagon officials say innovation must take over as a driver for change.


Hagel announces DOD appointments

New officials are moving into roles Pentagon intelligence, fiscal improvement and acquisition, technology and logistics.


White House considers ending dual NSA, Cyber Command leadership

After Gen. Keith Alexander retires next year, the leadership of the two organizations could fall to two people.


Hagel to target cyber in quadrennial review

Defense Secretary: Terror threat has 'metastasized,' spreading to technologies where the U.S. previously enjoyed a strategic advantage.