
Sequester could hit small DOD providers hard

Military officials warn lawmakers that small businesses will likely feel the first effects of budget cuts.


Hagel sworn in to lead DOD

Newly-confirmed Defense Secretary pledges to try to be 'the kind of leader you expect and deserve.'


Pentagon releases mobility implementation plan

Phased strategy covers mobile devices, wireless infrastructure and mobile applications for 600,000 users.


DOD to start filing more contract information

Defense contracting officers are about to become subject to reporting rules that have applied only to civilian agencies for a year.


Sequestration hinders DOD Quickpay plan

The Defense Department is backing off an effort to accelerate contractor payments, citing pending forced budget cuts.


Urgency grows to align cyber, physical combat

Cyber warfare is widely seen as a separate discipline from more conventional forms of combat, but experts say that approach has to change -- and soon.


DOD unlikely to cancel contracts for savings

Option periods, new contracts more likely to feel the brunt of sequestration budget cuts, Pentagon controller says.

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DOD takes first steps toward furloughs

A notice issued Feb. 20 formally starts the clock on implementing measures to save money that will be necessary under sequestration. Among them: Hundreds of thousands of DOD employees could be forced to take unpaid time off for at least the remainder of the fiscal year.


A physical award for cyberwarriors

Panetta announces new DOD-wide medal that can go to personnel involved in high-tech combat.

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Pentagon officials push back on the Hill

DOD's Ashton Carter warns that a new national defense strategy might be needed if sequestration takes effect.


DOD, VA shift medical record strategy

New short-term goals are intended to move closer to the objective of an integrated electronic health record.

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Pentagon ramping up for major cuts

Few people think sequestration will be averted a second time, and preparation is underway at the Defense Department.

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At Hagel hearing, hints on budgets and cybersecurity

Senators focus on Iran and Israel, but defense nominee also addresses matters at home.


Hagel faces tough budget questions

While his controversial statements on homosexuals and Israel are more widely known, the Defense secretary nominee may also have to answer for what he has said about the DOD budget.

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Pentagon staffing up to address cyber concerns

Amid growing recognition of serious cyber threats, the Pentagon is planning to divide U.S. Cyber Command into three forces, with added staff.

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DARPA ethics probe concludes

A watchdog group had accused DOD's high-tech research arm of allowing too much coziness between employees and contractors.

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Leaders direct DOD to buckle down on spending

Because the recent spending deal did not permanently solve the nation's fiscal crisis, the Defense Department is now planning measures to limit its budget risk.

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What does DOD's Microsoft deal mean for federal IT?

Three-year, $617 million agreement goes beyond bulk purchasing, Pentagon officials say.


DISA execs detail 2013 tech agenda

In the new year, DISA will have a key role in finding and implementing shared IT services across DOD.

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Defense bill emphasizes cyber operations

Cyber defense gets more prominent role -- with clearer authorities and greater oversight -- under National Defense Authorization Act for 2013.