Digital Government

How Much Is Encryption Worth to the Economy?

With strong, ubiquitous encryption under fire, a new research paper tries to assess the economic benefits of encryption.


DHS chief defends China cyber accord

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told lawmakers it was too soon to tell whether a recent cyber accord with Beijing was altering Chinese behavior in cyberspace.


Grassley tries to revive 'going dark' legislative fix

The Obama administration may have shelved a legislative plan to force firms to decrypt communications, but Iowa Republican Sen. Charles Grassley is not having it.

Digital Government

FBI: ‘Dozens’ of Terror Suspects Have Used Encryption to Hide from Law Enforcement

“I’m surprised if it is only a couple dozen people,” says Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson.

Digital Government

Former Intelligence Director: Law Enforcement Must 'Adapt' to Encryption

Mike McConnell, who has served as NSA Director and director of national intelligence, continues his new crusade for strong encryption.

Digital Government

FBI: Weaker Encryption Is a Worthwhile Tradeoff for Law Enforcement Access to Data

Government officials sparred with privacy advocates over encryption, but acknowledged that “back doors” come with risks of intrusion.

Digital Government

The FBI’s Charm Offensive on Encryption

“The FBI is not an alien force imposed on the American people,” the agency’s director says, as feds clash with Silicon Valley over encryption standards.

Emerging Tech

How Uber Could Contribute to the Future of Spycraft

DNI has quietly released an unprecedented, unclassified 5-year roadmap charting the future of data analysis.


Do Encrypted Phones Threaten National Security?

A legislator compares manufacturing devices with strong, end-to-end encryption to dumping toxic waste in a stream.


Federal Researchers Developing New Spoof-Proof Email Security System

The goal is to build an email encryption system, and then demonstrate to federal agencies and businesses how they can use it.


FBI Director James Comey Says He’s ‘Not a Maniac’ About Encryption

Previewing a round of testimony before Congress later this week, James Comey warned that too-tough-to-crack encryption allows bad actors to “communicate with impunity.”


Post-OPM Hack, An Opportunity to Retool Encryption

Redefining encryption in a more holistic manner can be done with the proper technologies and policies in place – even for something as old as a COBOL legacy.


FBI Director Blasts Tech Companies Fighting for Encryption

Google, Apple, Facebook and others are urging Obama to back strong encryption, but James Comey worries it will hamper law-enforcement access to critical data.


Feds Say Encrypting Data is Key but Don't Want to Pony up the Cash

More than 75 percent of federal IT workers polled could not say with complete certainty their network data is safe, according to a recent survey.


Pentagon Personnel Now Talking on 'NSA-Proof' Smartphones

The Defense Department has rolled out supersecret smartphones for work and maybe play, made by anti-government-surveillance firm Silent Circle,

Digital Government

FBI Denies Intentionally Deleting Encryption Tips from Its Website

“Points for creativity,” a spokesman said Thursday of reports that suggested otherwise.


In Nod To Privacy, Feds Say Every Agency Website Will Be Encrypted

While the "HTTPS-Only Standard" makeover likely won’t happen overnight, privacy proponents cheered the effort.


State Says it Needs to Rebuild Classified Computer Networks after Hack

State has asked Congress for $10 million to support "the necessary re-architecting of the classified and unclassified networks” at the department

Digital Government

Obama Says Too-Strong Encryption Could be a ‘Problem

Obama suggested he may oppose too-tough-to-crack encryption technology.


Obama and Cameron to Chew Over Cross-Border Cyberattacks

The two leaders are scheduled to discuss a variety of topics, including cybersecurity, over dinner Thursday, followed by a White House meeting Friday.