Digital Government

The Risks of Sending Secret Messages in the White House

Communication apps with disappearing text could run afoul of presidential records laws—and might not be as secure as they seem.


Government Must Pick Between Bad Options in Encryption Debate

The government faces numerous bad choices in the encryption debate, but the worst is doing nothing at all, a think tank report concludes.


How Feds Can Use Encrypted Apps—Without Breaking the Law

The use of encryption technologies to communicate with peers is undoubtedly safer than using traditional communications, but there are caveats for federal employees.


Undermining Encryption Not an Option, House Judiciary Chair Pledges

A bipartisan committee report that urged strong encryption will be the committee’s starting point this year, Rep. Bob Goodlatte said.


Can Trump mend fences with Silicon Valley?

The government needs to make nice with the commercial technology community over lingering mistrust stemming from revelations of surveillance and faulty encryption standards, according to a new report.


The Encryption Wars Will Return One Way or Another

House Homeland aide predicts another encryption standoff, urges tackling the issue before there’s a crisis.


The Guardian Slammed WhatsApp for 'Security Backdoor'— It’s Actually Just Standards Encryption

WhatsApp is often used by activists and dissidents in countries whose governments attempt to block messaging as a means of suppressing criticism and discouraging protests.


Pompeo Pledges to Give Trump the Straight Dope on Cyber Threats

The CIA nominee expressed high confidence in the intelligence community’s conclusions about Russian hacking.


Get Silicon Valley Execs Out of Government Cyber, Major Report Urges

The Trump administration should also take a harder line on encryption and renegotiate a major cybercrime convention, according to the report from lawmakers and cyber experts.


10 Easy Encryption Tips for Warding Off Hackers, US Government—and Russia

But adopting concrete cybersecurity habits is more involved than ticking off a quick checklist.


Here’s How Cyber (In)security Rocked 2016

Much more than election hacks and encryption showdowns went down this year.


NIST Wants Help ‘Future-Proofing’ Data Security

The standards agency is seeking citizens' aid in building encryption algorithms that can withstand attacks by quantum computers.


Lawmakers warn against weakening encryption

A congressional working group studying encryption has concluded that strong encryption is in the national interest, but needs of law enforcement must be accommodated.


Don’t Undermine Encryption, Bipartisan Congressional Report Warns

Lawmakers suggest workarounds to undermining encryption such as legal hacking and relying on metadata.


Watchdog: DOD needs to improve cybersecurity

Despite taking steps to improve cybersecurity, the Department of Defense reportedly is still coming up short on securing its cyber networks, systems and infrastructure.


Justice Department to Propose ‘Legislative Fix’ to Warrants for Data Stored Abroad

A federal appeals court is reviewing whether DOJ can demand customer data stored by Microsoft in Ireland.


Trump May Be on Collision Course with Congress over Russian Hacking

Lawmakers call Russian meddling in the election a threat to democracy; Trump says it never happened.


Tech, Security Sectors Fear Renewed Crypto Fights Under Trump

The president-elect urged a boycott against Apple for refusing to help the FBI crack into an encrypted iPhone.


Democratic Senate Shuffle Could Aid Encryption Advocates on Intel Committee

Incoming ranking member Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., supports a committee to examine long-term encryption compromises.