Emerging Tech

Video: America's First Offshore Windfarm

Five deepwater wind turbines are going to create a lot of energy.

Digital Government

Congress Flexes Muscle on FITARA

"We are going to stick with this,” said Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., who promised a bipartisan effort to ensure FITARA is carried out successfully.

Digital Government

The People Who Built the Atomic Bomb

A new website assembles thousands of biographies and oral histories from the Manhattan Project.

Emerging Tech

Federal Government Takes a Bet on Quantum Computing with New D-Wave Purchase

The Los Alamos National Laboratory is buying a "quantum computer," in part to figure out how to use it.


Renewable Energy Lab Begins Moving More Sensitive Data to the Cloud

In 2009 NREL set out in earnest to open up and share its data through an application that became known as OpenEI.


Why Haven’t Researchers Built a Better Battery Yet?

Mobile devices could double their power, but researchers are focused on improving bigger batteries first.

Emerging Tech

Lawmaker Wants to Connect More Federal Buildings to the Internet of Things

Under the bill, the energy secretary would learn from smart buildings in the private sector, and apply those practices to federal buildings.

Emerging Tech

House Committee Prods Energy Department to Use More Supercomputers

The House Committee on Science, Space and Technology approved a bill that would require the Energy Department to invest in supercomputing research.


What Do CENTCOM’s Twitter Hack and GoDaddy Have in Common?

Two Tennessee Valley Authority sites were compromised in 2013, when an adversary broke in through a software flaw.