
Karen Evans to head Energy's new cyber shop

Longtime federal IT executive Karen Evans is returning to government to head the Department of Energy's new office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security and Emergency Response.


How Energy's new cyber shop will work

The Energy Department's new cybersecurity and emergency response unit aims to complement critical infrastructure efforts at DHS.

Digital Government

OMB announces first Technology Modernization Fund awards

The Departments of Agriculture, Energy and Housing and Urban Development to receive a combined $45 million from the governmentwide revolving fund.


Energy advances cyber role

The Energy Department is looking to blunt attacks and close gaps in critical infrastructure.


Questions remain on Energy's cyber shop

There is bipartisan support to fund the Energy Department's new cybersecurity office, some on Capitol Hill want more tangibles.


Drawing 'red lines' for threats against the grid

Advancing energy distribution technology can blunt cyber threats to America’s electrical systems, but malicious actors need to know what actions will have consequences, according to experts.


House bill backs new cyber program at Energy

The administration's request for a new budget line for cybersecurity activities at the Department of Energy earned big backing in an FY2019 appropriations bill.


DOE announces new funding for quantum research

The Energy Department opened a multimillion dollar funding pool for its national lab experts to further explore quantum computing.


Energy floats $25M in cyber research funding

As part of its expansion into cybersecurity, the Department of Energy wants to fund sector-specific research.


DOE commits to more exascale

The Energy Department will potentially commit almost $2 billion to build two more exascale computers.


Senator still waiting on grid cyber assessments from Energy

As the Energy Department prepares to build out its cybersecurity capacity, a key member of the Senate Energy committee is waiting on energy sector cyber assessments.


Lawmakers look to boost Energy's cybersecurity role

To protect critical infrastructure and the energy sector against cyber threats, lawmakers are looking to boost the Department of Energy's cybersecurity role.


ARPA-E tilts toward cyber

The Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy, which focused on making grants and loans to alternative energy companies under the Obama administration, may find a new lease on life as a cybersecurity skunkworks.


Why the Energy Department needs a cyber program

The DOE wants $96 million in fiscal 2019 to fund a cybersecurity office to help manage threats facing the energy grid.


DOE plans cyber office, supercomputing expansion

The Energy Department budget would support a new infrastructure cybersecurity office and high-capacity computing efforts.

Digital Government

FAA bans drone flights over nuclear research facilities

The FAA will ban drone flights over seven nuclear energy and research facilities operated by the Department of Energy at the end of the year.


Can dark fiber help secure the energy grid?

Sen. Bill Cassidy is interested in the possibility of legislation to support an isolated networks that can conceal and protect the electric grid.


IG: Infosec weaknesses at Energy continue

While DOE has gotten better at protecting sensitive information, the agency still shows weaknesses in vulnerability management, business web applications and access controls.


Maria McClelland

Technical Senior Staff Member, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Department of Energy


Mittal Desai

Chief Information Security Officer, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission