Digital Government

Battling bacteria with software

Sandia National Labs has developed software that will help researchers find weaknesses in deadly bacteria.

Digital Government

KBase harnesses gene data for researchers

The new open software and data platform developed by scientists at DOE labs relieves research biologists from acting as programmers.


600 million reasons to embrace Energy Star

Congress may mandate more data center efficiency, but CIOs shouldn't wait.

Digital Government

National labs go big on climate modeling

Eight national laboratories will team with other institutions to develop new climate and Earth system models.


Energy Department CIO Brese headed to private sector

Bob Brese’s last day on the job as CIO at the Energy Department will be Sept. 5.


Data center innovation: New ways to save energy

Revised thermal standards and an array of cooling techniques promise to reverse the data center power drain.


NNSA tests cloud-based data-collection system

RadResponder project would give responders better access to key data in a nuclear emergency.


Before CyberVor: A dozen key federal breaches

As 1.2 billion internet logins are compromised, FCW revisits the most notable agency cyber-breaches of the last four years.


For NRC’s Ash, information comes before technology

Nuclear Regulatory Commission CIO Darren Ash has some definite views on how technology can change government.


Senate confirms Creedon at NNSA

New deputy administrator returns to the agency after a decade on Capitol Hill and at the Defense Department.


Teaming up to train, recruit cyber specialists

Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos will work with Bechtel to provide hands-on experience in both national security and industry environments.


Making the most of the cloud: A software-defined approach

Software-defined environments break down the silos between network, storage and computing capabilities -- something most agencies are just beginning to explore.