
Biden executive order calls for 65% drop in federal government emissions by 2030

A new White House executive order looks to leverage the purchasing power of the federal government to support clean energy goals, and sets ambitious targets for a carbon neutral government by 2050.


IT, supply chain figure in agency climate plans

Federal agencies release climate adaptation and resilience plans, many of which feature new initiatives to combat current and future risks to critical infrastructure and information technology.


New report details America's water infrastructure cyber vulnerabilities

Water utilities across the country are plagued by a lack of cybersecurity funding and qualified personnel, a ThreatLocker report warns, as officials work to create new guidelines on securing critical infrastructure.


EPA eliminates Trump workforce orders from labor contract

The Environmental Protection Agency rolled back the clock on portions of its collective bargaining agreement on official time, union office space, grievance procedures and more.


Agency STEM workforces in decline, report finds

A new committee report details the dramatic decline in the STEM workforces of federal science agencies. Lawmakers talked ideas to rebuild the workforce at a hearing on Wednesday.


House lawmakers seek answers on SolarWinds from agency chiefs

The letters sent to senior administration officials come as Senate lawmakers plan to hold a hearing on the breach of federal networks.


When water utilities get hacked, who should they call?

In the wake of a cybersecurity breach at a public water system, lawmakers have begun questioning what rules are in place to govern those facilities' cybersecurity and what changes may be necessary.


Warner seeks answers from FBI, EPA on Florida water utility breach

The top lawmaker on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence today sent a letter to the agencies asking for a clearer picture of how hackers attempted to poison a Florida community's water supply and what is being done to prevent a future attack.


Pandemic oversight begins to take shape

The Pandemic Response Accountability Council will look at IT challenges, safety measures and funding oversight.


Connolly: Pandemic response hindered by administration telework rollbacks

The Trump administration's response to keep the federal government operational during the COVID-19 pandemic was hindered by early decisions to roll back telework programs, according to Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), the chairman of the Government Operations subcommittee of the House Oversight Committee.


Temporary Excused Paid Leave sounds good but is hard to come by

Feds with dependent care responsibilities that stretch them to the breaking point have a stopgap once leave options are exhausted, but many agencies are reluctant to put it in play.


EPA under fire from House panel for lax ethics enforcement

The House Oversight Committee wants to know why top officials have been able to sidestep or delay signing ethics pledges.


More agencies are using FedRAMP, but some are still going rogue

While hundreds of additional government cloud projects are being vetted for cybersecurity every year, a GAO audit makes clear that many agencies are still standing up programs without going through FedRAMP.


Feds protest shutdown and Senate GOP at Nats Park

Frustration among rank-and-file federal employees is mounting as the shutdown stretches on with no end in sight.


Shutdown showdown shifts back to the Senate

Lawmakers are hurtling toward a partial government shutdown on Friday, as Trump and House conservatives dig in on wall funding.


House and Senate agree on CR through Feb. 8

It's still not clear if President Trump will agree to punt a confrontation on funding for the border wall until February, when Democrats control the House of Representatives.

Digital Government

EPA needs to manage contractors better, says Hill panel

Three senior Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee want the Environmental Protection Agency to get a better handle on its contractor workforce.


EPA's Pruitt grilled over management, ethics concerns

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt faced tough questions from lawmakers about questionable expenditures and management style.


IG: EPA infosec needs better management

The EPA's internal watchdog praised the agency's information security program, but says improved management and training program are required to protect data.


White House cracks down on executive travel

The same day Tom Price stepped down as secretary of Health and Human Services, the White House put out a memo reminding agency execs not to stick taxpayers with the tab for private travel.