
Will Comey's encryption legacy at FBI go dark?

Politics aside, what does the firing of FBI Director James Comey mean for the future of cybersecurity law enforcement and the debate over commercial encryption?

Digital Government

Trump Fires FBI Director James Comey

A White House statement said he acted on the recommendation of the deputy attorney general and the attorney general.

Digital Government

Comey: The Metadata Made Me Do It

The FBI director tries to explain to Congress his pre-election letters about the missing Clinton emails.


Compromise Spending Bill Includes Cyber Goodies

The Homeland Security Department, FBI and Secret Service all get cyber boosts in the bipartisan bill.


Feds make arrest in decade-long botnet probe

Peter Yuryevich Levashov, a Russian national, was arrested in Barcelona and charged with running a massive international spambot.


Information sharing is complicated, even inside government

Sharing cybersecurity threat information among federal law enforcement agencies generates tension, but that's not a bad thing, say FBI, DOJ and DHS cyber officials.


How to defend against government hackers

Privacy and civil rights advocates roll out legal advice about how to litigate cases involving the use of hacking tools by law enforcement.


Spy powers at risk amid Trump controversy

The growing controversy around foreign surveillance and Trump associates is adding fuel to what's already expected to be a fiery debate in Congress over the reauthorization of FISA Section 702.


Former FBI IT contractor pleads guilty in corruption case

A former database administrator who worked in the FBI’s IT division pleaded guilty to lying about financial transactions during a fraud investigation.

Digital Government

GOP Lawmaker to FBI: Stop the Leaks in Russia Probe or Lose A Key Surveillance Tool

After top cop confirms investigating the Trump campaign, a House member threatens to hold investigatory powers hostage.


Comey confirms FBI is investigating Trump-Russia links

FBI director James Comey also told the House intel panel there is no evidence to support President Trump's wiretapping tweets, and the FBI is investigating whether there was coordination between Trump campaign officials and associates and Russia.


Russia Is Recruiting the FBI’s Most-Wanted Hackers

Russia has taken advantage of hackers' vast network of malware-infected computers.


U.S. indicts Russian spies in Yahoo hack

U.S. federal law enforcement indicts four, including two Russian state security operators, for the historic 2014 Yahoo hack.


House panel defines scope of Russia probe

The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has agreed on the scope of its inquiry into Russia's election influence operations as new questions arise about the attorney general's contacts with the Russian ambassador.


Why the private sector shouldn't rely on feds for cybersecurity

Despite cybersecurity policy advances, former DHS officials say the private sector should not expect much help from the government with hacks and breaches.


FBI to private sector: work with us

The FBI is looking for more cooperation from industry and private businesses to identify and mitigate cyberthreats.


Government Must Pick Between Bad Options in Encryption Debate

The government faces numerous bad choices in the encryption debate, but the worst is doing nothing at all, a think tank report concludes.


Transparency Group Sues for FBI Records on Russian Hacking

The Electronic Privacy Information Center cites an “urgent public interest” in the records being released.


U.S. sanctions Russia and releases hacking report

The Obama administration announced a long-awaited response to Russia's election-related hacking, but many view it as too little too late.