
FBI Seeks a Vendor to Help with Multiyear IT Modernization Project

The Office of the Chief Information Officer is creating a new contract to help with the IT Modernization Initiative and other major efforts.


FBI Needs a Vendor to Help Manage Data Centers

The law enforcement agency seeks technical and engineering support for five locations spread out across the country.


DOJ seizes $2.26 million in ransom paid out by Colonial Pipeline

The FBI on Monday said it has identified at least 90 victims across multiple industrial sectors that Darkside has victimized.


Federal Agencies Detail Russian Tactics Used in Recent Cyber Intrusions

The FBI, Homeland Security Department and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued an alert on Russian government cyber tradecraft and mitigation techniques for targets.


How the Federal CISO Views Zero Trust

Federal Chief Information Security Officer Chris DeRusha and other federal officials also advocated moving away from siloed cybersecurity budgeting for agencies.


White House Stands Down Coordination Effort on SolarWinds, Microsoft Exchange Hacks

The leading cybersecurity official on the National Security Council shared lessons learned as agencies reach patching goals.


The Hack Roundup: White House Sanctions Russia over SolarWinds

Agencies involved in response also issued advisories on the hackers' tactics while Microsoft offered federal customers free trials of an auditing tool.

Digital Government

No Domestic Surveillance Authorities Needed, NSA Director Reiterates

Instead, Gen. Paul Nakasone and other intelligence community leaders want better public-private partnerships to address “blind spots” in the cyber realm.


CISA, FBI warn of hacking threat against Fortinet product

The advisory warns that an unattributed threat actor is using known vulnerabilities in a Fortinet security product to gain access to government and industry networks.


Agency hacks could accelerate push to zero trust security model

Chris DeRusha, the federal chief information security officer, said agencies largely have the tools they need to adopt zero trust security protocols but making a change will "require a shift in mindset."


CISA, FBI Officials Say Federal Payroll Facility Was Not Targeted in Hacking Campaigns

CISA’s acting director identified ways the government is working to improve information sharing about cybersecurity incidents between agencies.


Senators press for federal agency accountability over SolarWinds

Three top cybersecurity officials struggled to answer questions from lawmakers about who is to blame for the government's failure to stop the breach of nine federal agencies.


CISA, FBI Link Exploitation of Microsoft Exchange to Nation-State Actors

The agencies also warned of impending commoditization by criminal groups of access gained through vulnerabilities in the email and calendar service.


FBI Director Says Extremists Flocking to Encrypted Apps Poses New Challenges

Christopher Wray told lawmakers tech companies are the ones making policies about encryption.


Warner seeks answers from FBI, EPA on Florida water utility breach

The top lawmaker on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence today sent a letter to the agencies asking for a clearer picture of how hackers attempted to poison a Florida community's water supply and what is being done to prevent a future attack.


CISA, FBI Share Recommendations After Water Treatment Hack 

The agencies say updating to the latest operating system is important, even if it wasn’t a factor in this particular incident.


Justice Notches Major Win with Global Botnet Takedown

Law enforcement also announced their disruption of the commoditized NetWalker ransomware.

Digital Government

FBI Opens 160 Cases on Capitol Riot with More Expected

The bureau is combing through more than 100,000 pieces of digital media and expects to open more cases for a range of crimes including murder, sedition and theft of national security information.