
CISA, FBI and DOD Issue Warning on North Korea-Linked Malware

New threat variants allow Hidden Cobra to remotely access and control systems—and banks should look sharp.


Justice indicts four Chinese hackers for 2017 Equifax breach

The charges are the latest example of U.S. law enforcement going after China for hacking American companies.


FBI Director Argues Private Companies Shouldn’t Decide Encryption Debate 

A key lawmaker questioned whether the Justice Department’s position is at odds with the Defense Department’s.


FBI still not pushing for encryption legislation

FBI Director Christopher Wray declined to say whether he would endorse legislation that would create a pathway for law enforcement to access encrypted apps and devices.

Digital Government

With voting nearly underway for 2020, who is in charge of policing disinformation?

A plan from Sen. Warren's campaign is designed to avoid a repeat of Russian tactics in 2016, but some experts say different challenges will emerge in 2020.


FBI to Alert States About Local Election System Hacks

The FBI changed its policy to allow agents to inform both state and local election officials when election systems are breached.

Digital Government

FBI will notify states when election systems are breached

The internal policy change is meant to increase "visibility and transparency" around voting system intrusions during the 2020 election cycle.


More antitrust probes of government procurement likely, thanks to new task force

Attorneys focused on the government procurement market warned vendors that the new Procurement Collusion Strike Force faces a steep learning curve.

Emerging Tech

DHS Kicks Off DNA Collection Program for Some Detainees at Border

Border agencies will send samples to the FBI’s databases for indefinite storage.


FBI Unites Traditional Techniques with Tech-Driven Applications to Solve Today’s Crimes

A top official recently reflected on how insiders are transforming old-school approaches to tackle advanced cyber crimes.


Cryptocurrency tracking improves -- but how?

The IRS and other tax enforcement agencies are touting big improvements in tracing the use of cryptocurrencies in tax evasion and other criminal schemes. They just don't want to talk about how.

Digital Government

FBI adds feature to threat notice system

The FBI has added a new notification capability to its incident reporting platform to spread tips on potential mass casualty suspects.

Digital Government

Cyber firm sows chaos in election hack simulation

The fictional city of Adversaria became ground zero in an election security training exercise pitting real federal and law enforcement officials against mysterious cyber group aiming to disrupt and undermine voter confidence.

Emerging Tech

Top 60 Finalists For FBI’s Major IT Services Recompete Will Be Announced Soon

The bureau has taken its time crafting the next central IT services contract. But contracting officers say the process is moving toward the finish.

Emerging Tech

Justice to Require DNA Sampling of Nearly All Detained Migrants

Once collected, the samples will be moved into the FBI’s massive DNA database. 


FBI CIO joins tech lobbying group

Information Technology Industry Council is renewing its focus on public sector with the addition of FBI CIO Gordon Bitko.


FBI brings on Intel data scientist as advisor

The FBI tapped Intel's chief data scientist to help it leverage cloud, AI and machine learning in its data strategy.


Justice Indicts 80 People In International Nigerian Email Scam

The fraud ring—allegedly led by U.S.-based Nigerian nationals—was working $46 million in email, romance and other schemes when law enforcement pounced.