Digital Government

3 Essential Skills for Setting Work-Life Boundaries

A former FBI hostage negotiator offers tips on setting boundaries at work.


Lawmakers seek standardized national encryption policy

A push on Capitol Hill looks to preempt a possible patchwork of data encryption policies varying from state to state.


FBI Stands Firm on ‘Going Dark’ Problem While Acknowledging Inflated Data

The bureau may have overstated by three times or more the number of encrypted devices it couldn’t access last year.


How to beat the cost of crime-solving tech

Complex and expensive crime-solving needs are driving local law enforcement entities to the FBI and other deep-pocketed federal agencies for solutions.


A Criminal Gang Used a Drone Swarm To Obstruct an FBI Hostage Raid

And that’s just one of the ways bad guys are putting drones to use, law enforcement officials say.


FBI elevates three cyber cops to top leadership positions

Paul Abbate, who ran the bureau’s cybercrime division, will ascend to the No. 3 spot in the bureau’s leadership.


The FBI Didn’t Explore All Options Before Trying to Force Apple to Break Into an Encrypted iPhone

Some FBI officials were more interested in making a legal blow against cop-proof encryption than in getting into the San Bernardino shooter’s phone.


How a terrorist's iPhone became the 'poster child' for the FBI's encryption challenge

According to an oversight report, a senior FBI official became concerned that techies in the bureau were slow-walking a plan to crack the iPhone of the San Bernardino shooter in the hope of obtaining a favorable court verdict.


FBI Issues Timeline for Secretive IT Support Contract

The bureau rolled out key dates—but not other details—for its next-generation IT contract.


Auditor Finds Infosec Weaknesses in Most FBI Domains

The severity of the weaknesses isn’t clear from the annual report summary.


FBI taps veteran agent to head IT shop

The FBI named John S. Adams to serve as the executive assistant director of its Information and Technology Branch.

Digital Government

FBI Selects New Tech Leader From Its Own Ranks

A 20-year veteran of the bureau will facilitate the FBI’s modernization efforts as head of the Information and Technology Branch.

Digital Government

Puerto Rico’s Government Agencies Need Aid, Too

Work conditions at the territory’s Department of Justice haven’t been the same since Hurricane Maria, to the detriment of morale and legal proceedings.


The FBI Wants Commercial Cloud

The FBI is asking industry for ideas regarding the adoption of cloud computing.


Cybercrime cost $600B in 2017, report finds

The CSIS study also found that the public sector remains the most common target, but key enforcers aren't sure legislation is the solution.


FBI mulls move to the cloud

The bureau wants industry input on moving its infrastructure to the cloud as a $30 billion IT services contract is set to expire.

Digital Government

How to Inoculate the Public Against Fake News

When people were given a toolbox of deceptive techniques and told to “play Russian troll,” they learned to reject disinformation.