Digital Government

President Biden: COVID Relief Needs ‘Fastidious Oversight’

The American Rescue Plan is the latest in the federal government’s historic pandemic spending. 

Digital Government

More Than a Dozen IG Vacancies Await Nominees from Biden

The positions are critical to ensure ethical, effective operations at a time when agencies are disbursing billions of dollars in pandemic relief.

Digital Government

Special Report: IT Modernization Priorities for 2021

Many of the new administration’s early executive orders, memos and plans included a technology component, but have yet to address the underlying issues with government IT.

Digital Government

Central IT Modernization Fund Gets $1B in COVID Stimulus

The major infusion of cash will mean more modernization projects, which might require a new funding model.

Digital Government

Biden’s Latest Tech Appointments

President Biden tapped former IARPA Director Jason Matheny for roles on the National Security Council and White House OSTP.

Digital Government

Biden Names Federal CIO to Lead Governmentwide Modernization Efforts

A familiar face from the U.S. Digital Service and Office of Personnel Management will serve as the next federal chief information officer.


White House Is Developing a Plan to Secure Industrial Control Systems

An upcoming executive order in response to the hacking campaign that involved SolarWinds will include standards to improve software transparency.


Biden’s Pick For Defense Policy Chief Outlines Cyber Deterrence Position

In a contentious nomination hearing, Colin Kahl called for a whole-of-government approach to technology.


CIOs’ Wishlist for New Congress and Administration IT Leadership

Three department IT leaders share their top asks from the new Congress and yet-to-be-appointed federal CIO.


TTS Aims to Help Rebuild the Public’s Trust of Government

The tech group's director said each time an individual interacts with the government is an opportunity.

Digital Government

Tech Among Top Priorities for Biden’s CIA Director Pick

William Burns also said he’d look to build morale at the agency in part by speaking “truth to power.”

Digital Government

CISA Names Three Leadership Appointments

CISA announced a new deputy director, executive assistant director for cybersecurity and executive assistant director for infrastructure security.


White House Plans Executive Action in Response to Hack Involving SolarWinds  

The official leading the effort said changes are necessary to allow information sharing within the federal government.

Digital Government

White House Memo Creates Chief Science Officers at Federal Agencies

The presidential memo on scientific integrity calls for new officials and an update to policies established over the last two administrations. 

Digital Government

CIO Roundup: Here Are the Government’s Top Tech Chiefs So Far

Most agency chief information officers are career officials so it's steady ahead but vacancies left by appointees need to be filled.


Biden’s Federal Chief Information Security Officer Brings Public and Private-Sector Experience

Chris DeRusha’s resume includes cybersecurity adviser roles at the White House, DHS and Ford Motor Company.