
$10B JEDI cloud contract on hold for SecDef review

Newly appointed Defense Secretary Mark Esper said via spokesperson that "no award will be made on the program" until he's reviewed it.


Auditors want VA to better track VistA costs

What is an electronic health records system? A GAO audit found VA officials are still struggling with that question when it comes to their 30-year-old legacy system.


Another year, another raft of IT security concerns for IRS

A 2018 audit found 14 new deficiencies related to information system security controls for the tax agency.


How shared services providers can power DATA Act reporting

Federal agencies have generally positive experiences working with shared service providers to report spending data, according to a new government watchdog study.

Digital Government

GAO again warns of risks in 2020 census

Untested innovations, implementation of IT systems and cybersecurity issues are adding risk to the decennial population count, GAO says.

Digital Government

Your personal data is too public for agencies to verify

The widespread loss and theft of data on Americans has made a once popular form of remote identity proofing obsolete, and agencies need to start looking into other options.

Digital Government

10 legacy systems in need of modernization

The Government Accountability Office selected 10 systems that have unsupported hardware and software, are using outdated languages or operating with known security vulnerabilities.


Watchdog: Current pipeline security plans weak on cybersecurity, coordination

The Transportation Security Administration's plans for coordinating pipeline security incidents aren't keeping up with rising threats in cyberspace, according to the Government Accountability Office.


Are federal facial recognition programs supported by existing law?

Some members of Congress say law enforcement agencies are relying on decades-old laws to justify use of facial recognition tech.


Why CIOs need a seat at the top table

Think of any mission-critical challenge facing any government organization today, and technology is invariably a part of the solution.


VA pushes back on health record oversight bill

The Department of Veterans Affairs is opposing a Senate plan to establish an advisory board to conduct oversight of the agency's $16 billion, 10-year plan to implement a commercial electronic health record system.


GAO: cloud saved agencies $300 million, but data is incomplete

Agencies are investing more in cloud and saving hundreds of millions of dollars as a result — but cloud investments still only represent a fraction of government IT purchases, and data on their cost and savings is far from complete.


TSA preps new guidelines on pipeline cyber

The Transportation Security Administration has developed a plan to more regularly update its cybersecurity guidelines for oil, natural gas and hazardous materials pipeline operators.


Watchdogs warn on DHS vacancies

Frequent turnover and persistent vacancies across the Department of Homeland Security are limiting the ability of employees to carry the agency's myriad missions.


GAO: Agencies could push harder on data center closing

Federal agencies are finding success with data center consolidation, but GAO finds some complications.


New GAO tech office starts to take shape

The Government Accountability Office's new science and technology wing plans to double its staff size and take on a much broader role in the IT modernization and emerging tech space.


DOD slow-walking reorg, watchdog says

The Government Accountability Office found that the Defense Department lacked a proper analysis and transition plan to move certain duties from the CIO to the chief management officer.


GAO: Cyber Mission Force teams need more training

The Government Accountability Office found that, despite ongoing efforts, Cyber Mission Force teams need more training and Cyber Command needs to improve plans to supply it.