Digital Government

NOAA taps NASA satellite manager for NESDIS

Stephen Volz will shepherd programs to build and launch the next generation of environmental satellites.

Digital Government

Geospatial data management refined

The OMB has issued supplemental guidance to improve the management of geospatial data

Digital Government

GIS' future is with crowds, clouds ... and 4-D

Geospatial technologies are exploding -- into crowdsourced applications, cloud platforms, and 3-D and 4-D environments.

Digital Government

Which state is the first deploy a mass mobile alerting system?

The new system – which sends text messages to mobile phones - can target specific geographic areas, which could be as large as a city or as small as a few blocks.

Digital Government

How big is the oil spill? See how far it would stretch in your hometown

Just how far does the spill from BP's Deepwater Horizon rig really go? It's easy to lose sight of the scale of the millions of gallons of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, but what if the source of the gusher were in your hometown?

Digital Government

Spill prompts NOAA to define its data management architecture

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is defining the architecture needed to effectively manage, store and disseminate data to the public and other agencies in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon-BP oil spill.

Digital Government

Library of Congress aids geospatial data preservation

The Library of Congress and Columbia University are creating a Web-based information hub to provide best practices, tools, methods and services to assist organizations in preserving geospatial data.

Digital Government

Supercomputer tapped for 3D models of oil spill

The National Science Foundation has made an emergency allocation of 1 million compute-hours on a supercomputer used at the Texas Advanced Computing Center at the University of Texas to create 3-D models of the spreading oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Digital Government

Government maps path to geospatial data

Geospatial experts see game-changing shift in geospatial technology, empowering federal managers not just geospatial specialists.

Digital Government

DISA ordered to contribute to geospatial intelligence suite

DISA and other DOD organizations must contribute to a suite of geospatial intelligence visualization tools, according to memo from DOD Deputy CIO Dave Wennergren.

Digital Government

Coast Guard to harness ocean data to improve search and rescue

The Coast Guard can use maps of ocean surface currents to track probable paths of shipwreck victims and drifting lifeboats.