
OMB to agencies: CDM success is on you

The president's budget director wants agencies to do a better job making the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program work.


Round two of TMF awards doles $23.5 million to three agencies

The winners are the Department of Labor, the General Services Administration and, for the second time, the Department of Agriculture.


DOD shifts back-office cloud buy to Schedule 70

Defense IT officials pivoted away from plans to bid out their $8 billion productivity and communications cloud contract through DISA.


GSA taps AI to review contract solicitations

The Solicitation Review Tool, long in development, would leverage artificial intelligence to ensure that federal contracts posted online comply with disability rules.


Watchdog: GSA slow-walked breach notification

The inspector general at the General Services Administration said that the agency didn't adequately implement corrective actions in the wake of a 2015 data breach.

Digital Government

NARA, GSA team up to promote electronic records management

A new one-stop shop for electronic records management tools is designed to help agencies keep up with the looming governmentwide goal of going paperless.

Digital Government

18F wants you to buy IT faster and cheaper

When it comes to buying digital tools, too many agencies are hung up on what they believe is not allowed.


Graves: TMF is about more than the money

The Technology Modernization Fund's proposal process and review board are teaching agencies how to put together a solid business case.


A big-ticket vendor merger hits EIS

The Harris-L3 merger won't significantly impact the $50 billion federal Enterprise Infrastructure Services contract, the companies report.


Agencies still queueing for TMF funds

While Congress has yet to fund the Modernizing Government Technology Act for FY2019, agencies continue to submit project for consideration this year.


Excellence begins at home, TTS chief says

Agencies don't have to depend on the General Services Administration to design and launch their own internal Centers of Excellence-like programs to support modernization.


Agencies pivot as EIS focuses on modernization

The $50 billion governmentwide telecommunications contract Enterprise Infrastructure Services began life as a like-for-like upgrade under the Obama administration, and agencies are playing catch-up as the White House looks to use the vehicle as a modernization tool.


HUD next in line for Centers of Excellence support

The Department of Housing and Urban Development is using the GSA's Centers of Excellence Initiative to develop a modernization plan.


Court starts clearing out protests against Alliant 2 Small Business

The battle over the General Services Administration's $15 billion Alliant 2 Small Business contract for IT products and services continues to be tied up in court, but so far GSA is on a winning streak.


Should government expand its ID proofing role?

There's momentum in the public and private sectors behind an idea to expand government's role in validating digital identities.


GSA, USAF launch partnership on IT to replace NetCents

A new blanket purchasing agreement aligns GSA and Air Force in a "strategic partnership" on IT hardware and products under blanket purchase agreement.


GAO: Data-driven management is stuck in neutral

The Government Accountability Office says agencies haven't really improved on data-driven decision-making since 2013.


OASIS small business solicitation coming

With agencies looking to OASIS as a trusted source, small businesses are clamoring to get onto it, according to GSA officials.


NPPD flies (and lowers) the flag

Proclamations directing agencies to fly flags at half-staff come from an unexpected corner of DHS.


9 ways to streamline EIS choices

Creative techniques can help agencies streamline their selection process for the government’s next-generation telecommunications contract, the head of DHS’ acquisition innovation lab says.