
SDN and the post-COVID office

In the post-pandemic environment, the software-defined network capabilities of the General Services Administration's next-generation telecom contract could be important, said an agency official.


STARS III deadline draws near

The STARS II small business contract proved so popular that its ceiling value has been extended several times, but the General Services Administration is ready for its successor.


JAIC to expand ethics team

Jane Pinelis, the JAIC's chief of testing, evaluation, and assessment, said the center is working to expand its ethics team, which is charged with ensuring the Defense Department's AI projects meet ethical standards.


Huawei ban looms for contractors

Federal contractors are still facing uncertainty about new rules to get rid of Chinese-made gear.


Lawmakers push back on STARS shutoff date

Changes the GSA made to one of its most popular governmentwide small business set-aside acquisition vehicles draws congressional scrutiny.


Hackers target teleworking feds

A senior General Services Administration acquisition official says emerging technology can help protect infrastructure and individual users defend against attacks.


GSA rolls out IT acquisition learning portal

The GSA's new IT acquisition portal offers a range of training on how to use and buy new technologies.


CBP lands TMF award to modernize legacy system

Customs and Border Protection won a $15M award to update a COBOL-based fee collection system and move it to the cloud.


Trump to nominate new OPM head

The candidate to serve as the nation's top human resources official has a background in computer science and software development, and a controversial record as a conservative commentator.


GSA's Stanton faces busy fall

Telecom, small business contracts, e-commerce platform are top of mind for the head of GSA's Office of Information Technology Category.


GSA working on Alliant 2 Small Business replacement

The agency is moving ahead with a replacement for a troubled small business government wide acquisitions contract.


House appropriators put protections for federal workers into FY21 funding bill

Provisions would block the OPM-GSA merger and empower unions, but the bill does not touch on pay raises.


GSA doubles down on STARS

The next iteration of the General Services Administration’s popular small business tech and IT services contract will top the current vehicle’s spending ceiling.


GSA cancels troubled ALLIANT 2 small business vehicle

GSA awarded spots on Alliant 2 SB to 81 companies in February 2018 but those award were followed by over a year of protests at the Government Accountability Office and at the U.S. Court of Federal Claims.


GSA taps MetTel for its own EIS contract

The General Services Administration awards data and voice task orders under its $50 billion next generation telecommunications contract.

Digital Government

Cheriyan to exit GSA

After leading a rapid expansion of the General Services Administration's Centers of Excellence program, the agency's Technology Transformation Services director will leave for the private sector in a couple of weeks.


GSA makes 3 awards in e-commerce test

The General Services Administration awarded spots on its long-awaited e-commerce platform proof-of-concept test to Amazon, Overstock and Fisher Scientific.


GSA bumps STARS II ceiling by $7 billion

The General Services Administration raised the limit on its popular small business governmentwide acquisition contract, and it will continue its run through next summer.


First end-to-end EIS upgrade completed

The National Labor Relations Board tapped AT&T for what the carrier says is the first completed task order on the federal government's next-generation telecommunications services contract.


GSA details Networx sunset

The General Services Administration posted a plan to limit use of legacy telecommunications contracts to help agencies move to EIS.