
Can CBP Stand Up an Electronic Health Records System in 90 Days?

Lawmakers eager to see Customs and Border Protection digitize its health care system are pushing a bill that would give the agency three months to go from paper to electronic records.


Vets Can Now See VA, Private Sector Health Data in iPhone App

Apple’s Health app now integrates with Veterans Affairs’ patient data API, giving veterans access to their medical information on their phones.


Defense Health Agency Needs Help Consolidating Military’s Health IT Systems

The agency leading the Pentagon’s electronic health records transition is working on a global IT support contract. 


VA Launches VITAL Training Ahead of First Electronic Health Records Rollout

Veterans Affairs officials learned some lessons from their Defense Department counterparts and developed an immersive training program focused on how the new EHR system can fix issues clinicians encounter every day.


Pentagon’s New Electronic Health Records System Deployed To Second Wave of Bases

The MHS GENESIS system went live at four more sites this weekend, teeing up the second major test for the Defense Department’s new health records system.


VA’s Health Records Digitization Backlog Is 5 Miles High

Staff at Veterans Affairs medical facilities aren’t keeping up with the backlog of paper records that need to be digitized, with some outstanding documents dating back to 2016.


VA, DOD Hiring Executives To Lead Billion-Dollar Electronic Health Records Overhaul

The jobs entail coordinating between two of the largest bureaucracies in government through one of the most difficult technology transitions to date.


DOD’s Next Electronic Health System Rollout Will Be Different, Officials Say

After a poor showing in the first deployment of the MHS GENESIS electronic health records system, officials have retuned the training system and ensured better infrastructure is in place for the next rollout.

Digital Government

CMS, USDS Pilot Unlocks Patient Data to Boost Provider Care

The project allows health care professionals to see claims information for past treatments instead of relying on patients’ memories.


VA Migrates 23.5 Million Veteran Patient Records To Cerner Data Center

All new patient data will go into the shared Veterans Affairs-Defense Department data center as the two agencies move forward with the massive electronic health records overhaul.


VA Doesn’t Really Know What It Costs To Run VistA

Lowball estimates for operating the current electronic health records system through the transition to Cerner cast doubt that overall projections are accurate.


What the U.S. Medical System Can Learn From Estonia

Americans waste time and money filling out paperwork and repeating tests in the doctor’s office. A small Baltic nation has found a better way.


Congress Questions Leadership of VA Health Record Overhaul

Veterans Affairs officials said their upgraded health record platform will start rolling out in March, but lawmakers worry they might be jumping in too soon.


VA Won’t Delay Launch of Private Care Software Tool Despite Reported Flaws

The tech will go live on June 6 even if it’s operating “at 70 percent or 50 percent,” said Secretary Robert Wilkie.


After CIO No-Show, Congress Not Confident in VA’s IT Shop

The Veterans Affairs Department earned no goodwill when it declined to testify before a House Veterans’ Affairs subcommittee.


Management, Not Money, Will Make or Break VA Modernization, Lawmakers Say

“We are no longer on the cusp of transformation, we are in the middle of it,” Secretary Robert Wilkie told senators.


Proposed Rule Would Force Health Care Providers to Share Records Electronically

For millions of Americans, accessing their health records is an onerous task. A new rule could change that.


House Veterans Affairs is Having Trouble Hiring Tech Experts

The group’s struggle reflects the growing shortage of tech talent on Capitol Hill.


VA to Pilot Health Records System in March 2020

Lawmakers still have serious concerns about the agency’s multibillion health records overhaul.