
Coast Guard to Adopt Defense Department’s Electronic Health Records

The U.S. Coast Guard will go with the Defense Department’s MHS Genesis health records program, the same option currently being considered at Veterans Affairs.

Digital Government

Shulkin’s Firing Leaves $16B Effort to Merge DoD/VA Health Records Up In The Air

Secretary Shulkin championed a contract with Cerner to develop a new health records system for Veterans Affairs, but the deal seems precarious now.


Kushner Announces ‘Whole of Government’ Plan To Improve Health Tech

Presidential adviser Jared Kushner said the administration has a plan to prioritize access to and interoperability of patient health data.

Digital Government

The 'Genome Hacker' Who Mapped a 13-Million-Person Family Tree

Huge crowdsourced genealogy databases are inspiring new genetics research.


VA Secretary on $10B Health Records Contract: ‘We Have To Get This One Right’

The Trump administration requested $1.2 billion in fiscal 2019 for a commercial health records contract, which the department is expected to award by March.


Veterans Affairs Wasted Closer to $2 Billion On Failed IT Projects

The department misspent even more than government investigators initially believed in attempting to modernize its health records system.


Congress Calls Coast Guard's Health Records System A 'Five-Year Epic Failure'

The modernization project went over budget and didn't yield any reusable software or equipment.


Optimization Is Next Step For Defense Department’s Health Records Platform

The Defense Department and the contractors building its $4.3 billion health records platform say they’re on schedule


Defense Department Halts Electronic Health Records Rollout

During an eight-week pause, the department will assess the program's successes and failures so far.


Why Veterans Affairs Isn’t Waiting for a ‘Perfect’ Health Records Solution

The department’s aiming for as seamless a solution for medical records as technologically possible, VA Secretary David Shulkin said.


VA Wasted $1.1 Billion on Failed IT Projects in Six Years

The department gave the bulk of the billion to 15 contractors—one of which is getting a sole-source $10 billion contract to try again.


Lawmakers to VA: “We’ve Got Your Back” on $10B IT Contract

Congress expressed its support for VA's electronic health records contract with Cerner, but promised to keep a close watch on its implementation.

Artificial Intelligence

Stanford Trained AI to Diagnose Pneumonia Better Than a Radiologist in Just Two Months

There’s a clear trend that having more data makes it easier to train artificial intelligence.


Continuing Resolution on Congress' Post-Holiday To-Do List

Congress moved along IT modernization and defense authorization bills but still faces funding the government.