
Kennedy debuts health care reform bill

Sen. Edward Kennedy's long-awaited health care reform legislation includes some IT provisions, including establishing standards for electronic enrollment in federal and state health systems.

Digital Government

Group: Health IT essential to health reform

Health IT may falter if it is not included in overall health reform, according to health industry organizations.

Digital Government

ONCHIT tests guidance for health records

HHS is testing a template for an electronic personal health record


Health IT needs more functionality, CIO says

Theresa Cullen, CIO of the Indian Health Service, said health IT leaders should create more functionality in their systems, including the ability to track diseases without current lag times.


Health IT commission postpones certifications

The Certification Commission for Health Information Technology said it will put off some of its certification activities until it reviews what HHS has in mind for health IT

Digital Government

Health IT standards panel creates workgroups

After it gets some policy guidance, the Health IT Standards Committee will ask its three new workgroups to deliver recommendations in 90 days.

Digital Government

HHS tests template for electronic health record

The national coordinator for health IT is testing an online model for a digital personal health record.


Health IT program needs ID management

The Obama administration's health IT initiative needs strong identity management tools to protect patient privacy, according to vendors, providers and other experts at a panel today.


Health IT panel aims for middle road

The new federal panel that will advise on health IT standards begins discussing its goals.


Health care reform tied to IT

Health care reform won't be complete without adopting health IT, the national coordinator for health IT says.


HHS uses widgets and live blogging

A new report by the Health and Human Services Department highlights its uses of widgets and other tools to improve transparency and service.


Official: Some flu money would go to states

The president's request for $1.5 billion to deal with the swine flu outbreak includes money to help states respond to the disease, an HHS official said.


Health IT group wants incentives for EHRs

A health IT organization wants the Obama administration to take an incremental approach in implementing the economic stimulus law concerning electronic health records.


New swine flu money could go for monitoring

The administration's request for $1.5 billion to deal with swine flu could fund disease monitoring and tracking.


Swine flu hearings set; OPM issues guidance

Senate and House panels have scheduled hearings on the disease outbreak, and the Office of Personnel Management has issued advice to federal employees.


Get a Life!: The perfect storm

Swine flu adds to a perfect storm of challenges for the new administration and federal workers, writes blogger Judy Welles.


HHS releases guidance on securing electronic health data

The department issues guidelines on encryption and destruction to protect sensitive personal health records.


New health IT coordinator will act fast on stimulus

Congress wants a health IT operations plan by May 15 before it releases stimulus funding, a senior official from the coordinator’s office said.


OMB: Agencies must pay to upgrade

Grant-making agencies must cover the costs to strengthen the governmentwide grants portal to accommodate the crush of stimulus funds applications.


HHS makes software available for health IT network

The department said it wants to encourage health organizations to connect to the nationwide health information network by using the open-source software.