Digital Government

Bill aims to create one disaster recovery assistance application

Simplifying the application process would remove the burden on disaster survivors seeking federal assistance in the wake of hurricanes, floods, wildfires and more, lawmakers say.

Digital Government

Romney hints at eliminating HUD, cutting Education

Mitt Romney, the former Republican Massachusetts governor now running for president, gave some of his most detailed comments to date on his plans for federal agencies including Housing & Urban Development and the Education department.

Digital Government

Top and bottom 5 federal employers; readers react

FCW readers weigh in on which agencies they think are the best for launching a career.

Digital Government

Revealed: The best (and worst) agencies for launching a career

Which agency is the best place for a young fed to start?

Digital Government

Weathering the storm

People with a low opinion of the federal government like to pass around jokes that have the punch line: "I'm from the federal government and I'm here to help." President Ronald Reagan famously called them "the 10 most frightening words in the English language."


Awaiting IT reform details, CIO launches online dialogue as first step

The Obama administration said last December that it would strive to redefine the role of agency CIOs as part of its 25-point IT management reform plan. While there has been little detail so far about how exactly the administration intends to achieve this goal, it appears that some CIOs are moving ahead.

Digital Government

Broadband plan debate: federal bureaucracy or local initiative?

From reforming the Universal Service Fund to determining how grants are allocated, headaches remain for agencies in starting the National Broadband Plan.


HUD launches e-bookstore

The Housing and Urban Development Department's e-bookstore will make its reports available in Mobi and ePub format for e-readers and tablet devices.


How HUD's new CIO is remaking the agency

Housing and Urban Development Department CIO Jerry Williams' task has been to get the agency's IT department working at an optimal level after years of bogged-down projects and inefficiency. His team might be turning the corner.


HUD IT spending plan falls short, GAO says

The Housing and Urban Development Department needs to do a better job of assessing and mitigating risks in its IT expenditure plan, according to GAO.


HUD CIO seeks help with IT investment system

The Housing and Urban Development Department asks small-business contractors to bid on supporting HUD's IT Investment Management system.


Social networking still a learning experience for agencies

Using new social media tools is still new to federal agencies and minor problems and missteps should be expected, several officials said today at the FOSE trade show.


Commerce loses, Education gains in IT spending

Most IT budgets would change little from fiscal 2010 under the Obama administration's budget.


Agencies embrace research analytics in push for greater efficiency

Analytical and reporting tools help agencies improve the delivery and performance of public services.


IG faults HUD for stimulus law reporting problems

HUD falls on privacy and data security goals and misses deadlines as it tracks spending for the economic stimulus law, the IG's office says.


Rising Star Robert Lech

Lech developed a grant-reporting system to help the Housing and Urban Development Department meet the requirements of the recovery act.


Auditors hit HUD, immigration services

USCIS and HUD were scolded for gaps in IT management, but USCIS hit back.


GAO finds gaps in HUD IT management

The U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department continues to fall short in managing its IT needs.