
VA 'anywhere-to-anywhere' telehealth goes live

The journey to make telehealth routine for patients and practitioners in the VA system is as much about policy as it is about tech.


Last chance for agencies to land digital interns

The State Department's Virtual Student Federal Service has extended the application deadline until June 17 for agencies seeking specialized media and technology talent.

Digital Government

Getting smart about intelligent automation

Agencies are looking to transform everything from contract writing to identity management. The trick could be getting governance to catch up to the tech.


Will an IT update revamp government?

Reimagined tech and modernization funds can accomplish only so much if policies and processes don't keep pace.


OAI looks to build permanence before it disappears

The Office of American Innovation is set to expire at the end of the Trump administration, but one key official sees its effect enduring at the agency level.

Digital Government

USDS in action

Steve Kelman digs into the actual mechanics of a U.S. Digital Service team's partnership with a particular agency.

Digital Government

When the U.S. is a tech laggard

While the United States dominates many areas of IT, Steve Kelman notes that the hotspots for certain sectors are clearly clustered elsewhere.

Digital Government

The biggest challenges for true modernization in 2018

The drive for IT transformation is reaching far beyond technology into every aspect of agency operations.

Digital Government

Is DOD overlooking its own innovators?

Silicon Valley has become synonymous with innovation, but government leaders might be missing out on what’s going on in their own labs.


Make way for the MGT Act

Three ways federal IT program managers can proactively adapt to change.

Digital Government

Modernizing with the citizen in mind

The roadblocks are real, but a number of agencies are making the case that better engagement is worth the investment.


Why acquisition reform is about more than OTAs

The Air Force materiel commander says organizational culture matters more than novel procurement authorities when it comes to reforming cumbersome processes.


Teaching digital government at Harvard today

Steve Kelman sits down with his colleague David Eaves to discuss, among other things, the differences between "digital" and "IT."


Raj Shah exits DIUx

After almost two years at the helm of the Pentagon's innovation shop, Raj Shah is returning to the private sector.

Digital Government

Non-traditional IT contractors unite to watch each other's backs

Steve Kelman writes that the nascent Digital Services Coalition could change industry collaboration -- if its members can preserve the culture of trust.


DIUx gets a big boost in FY19 budget

The administration signals its commitment to changing DOD's acquisition and IT culture by more than doubling its proposed investment in the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental.


GSA kicks off e-commerce portal effort

The federal acquisition agency held its first listening meeting with e-commerce providers as it begins planning its own ecommerce portal for federal buyers.


GSA looks to staff up IT modernization teams

Solicitation covers start-up staffing needs for five separate Centers of Excellence to "manage centralized, function-specific talent, solutions and acquisition vehicles."

Digital Government

Shakeup at TTS as Murphy takes over GSA

Long-time acquisition expert Emily Murphy takes over GSA, as new leaders move into key spots in the Federal Acquisition Service.