
Ball Aerospace nabs sole-source NGA cloud deal

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency intends to award a one-year sole-source contract to Ball Aerospace Technologies Corp. for cloud computing, the agency announced.


Intel officials dwell on encryption as a potential security problem

FBI Director James Comey and other senior intelligence leaders told Congress that the use of encrypted communications by terrorists and other adversaries remains a problem for investigators.


Russia, China continue to pose cyber threat to U.S. networks

Top intelligence officials tell a Senate committee they remain wary of ever-growing cybersecurity risks.


NSA’s Information Assurance Directorate at a crossroads

Although often overshadowed by the far bigger Signals Intelligence Directorate, IAD’s mission of protecting sensitive information on government networks is more important than ever.


White House announces new agency to handle federal background checks

OPM will house the new National Background Investigations Bureau, but the new agency's IT and cybersecurity work will be handled by the Defense Department.


What's missing in the new NSA report?

The NSA released a required report on surveillance transparency, but many questions remain unanswered about how the spy agency is querying vast troves of telephonic metadata.


Capitol Hill privacy advocates launch effort to repeal CISA

A bipartisan group of lawmakers are introducing legislation to repeal the Cyber Information Sharing Act of 2015, which hitched a ride on the omnibus bill at the end of 2015.


IARPA taps Dixon as deputy director

Stacey Dixon, most recently a deputy director at NGA, has significant Capitol Hill experience.


DNI announces CTIIC leadership

Tonya Ugoretz, a career FBI analyst, and Maurice Bland, a retired Army colonel, will lead the nascent Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center.


Cyber threat agency navigates growing pains

The White House's plan for fusing cyber intelligence after the massive hack of Sony Pictures Entertainment got off to a rocky start, but an insider says agency turf battles that appeared ready to unfold have been quieted.


Info-sharing bill's advance is a landmark for DHS

The inclusion of cybersecurity information-sharing legislation in an omnibus package is a milestone in the Department of Homeland Security's evolving collaboration with the private sector on cyber.


Rogers pushes NSA to lead on ICITE, previews agency reorg

The National Security Agency's technological prowess means the agency must lead on an intelligence community-wide IT architecture, Director Adm. Michael Rogers said Dec. 15.


DOD looking to put classified data in commercial cloud

Rob Vietmeyer, DOD CIO's point man on cloud, said it could be over a year before a commercial cloud provider handles Level 6 data


Clapper memo outlines ICITE architecture

A document release reveals more details on the cloud-based Intelligence Community Information Technology Enterprise.


Cyber bill vote in sight

Members of the House and Senate intelligence committees are in talks to iron out the final details of the cybersecurity bill.


NSA's bulk data program is shut down

The National Security Agency is replacing a controversial spying program with a new data collection regime approved under the USA Freedom Act.


NGA sees urgency in harnessing commercial geoint capabilities

At a Nov. 16 small satellite workshop at NGA headquarters, Director Robert Cardillo said his agency must hitch itself to the explosion in commercial geospatial capabilities.


Governance lags tech on info sharing, CIA's Brennan says

The CIA director warns that the rapid technological improvements in spycraft and information collection have outpaced the ability of worldwide intel agencies to cooperate.

Digital Government

CIA official looks to free 'captive' data

The CIA's new head of digital innovation wants to unsilo the spy agency's data. That problem is so big and complicated that a whole new organization has been created to solve it.