
A story that makes federal IT look good

Steve Kelman notes two important messages about agencies' ability to amplify their impact.


Welcome to @CIA

The Central Intelligence Agency launched a Twitter feed and joined Facebook on June 6.


White House looking to Capitol Hill on cyber

Cybersecurity is arguably one of the few bipartisan issues in Congress, and key stakeholders hope that will be enough to push through legislation this year.


NSA employs ever-improving facial-recognition technology

The National Security Agency’s revelation highlights the growing sophistication of facial-recognition tools available to government.


NSA director: Detection trumps prevention

Because keeping cyber intruders out is increasingly difficult, the focus should be on finding them quickly and assessing the threat, says Adm. Michael Rogers.

Digital Government

Changes at the top for NGA

Deputy DNI Robert Cardillo will succeed Letitia Long at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency in October.


Snowden boasts of prominent role in intel IT

Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden details his role in helping intelligence agency CIOs solve pressing technical problems.


Alexander: Big data 'is what it's all about'

Former NSA head says guarding agencies' vast data stores is the critical challenge going forward.


FBI in the market for bad software

The FBI is seeking a supplier of malicious code, links and exploits.


News and notes from FOSE

Highlights from the first day at the FOSE conference.


NSA funds 'science of cybersecurity' research

Four universities are participating through the creation of "lablets" -- small laboratories launched with a first-year cost of about $8 million.


Lawmaker voices concern about possible DIA nominee

California Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter takes issue with Lt. Gen. Mary Legere’s handling of the Army's Distributed Common Ground System.

Digital Government

NSA document details foreign intel databases

The intelligence agency delves into some details about how it collects, stores and accesses data but leaves many key questions unanswered.

Digital Government

Clapper: GEOINT is on the rise

The transparent nature of geospatial intelligence brings added value in the post-Snowden era, the director of national intelligence says.


Long: NGA is moving toward 'immersive intelligence'

The NGA director said the Map of the World can "break down the barriers between collectors, analysts, customers and decision-makers."


Symantec simulation could be a recruiting tool

The two-day, closed-door exercise brought together contractors and defense agencies in a test of cyberwarfare.


CDX pits NSA hackers against service academies

The Cyber Defense Exercise, now in its 14th year, is designed to put classroom lessons to use in the real world.


Cyberattacks: Too much how, not enough why

The Intelligence and National Security Alliance wants potential victims to pay attention to strategy rather than tactics.


What 'continuous monitoring' means in the clearance context

Several proposals would require access to consumer databases as well as records from local and state law enforcement and federal financial regulators.

Digital Government

White House details plans for protecting bulk metadata

Telephone companies will retain the records, but will have to ensure a "usable format" for the National Security Agency.