
Three things to watch on information sharing

The ODNI'S Kshemendra Paul offers a guide to the 2014 Information Sharing Environment.


The economics of a national cyber immune system

Inexpensive attacks can yield great returns for the bad guys, while the defenders work with limited budgets and have to be right every time.


Rockefeller blasts private-sector metadata storage plan

The retiring chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee said he was “concerned any change of our current framework will harm both national security and privacy.”


Security clearance reform: more questions than answers

Many of the proposed solutions rely on the use of IT – automation, continuous evaluation and shared data banks between agencies.


Agencies pay for public distrust in post-Snowden era

In the wake of the Snowden affair, Americans are growing more reluctant to hand over personal information to the government, which hurts legitimate data collection and could drive up costs.


Cryptography experts sign open letter against NSA surveillance

President has still not addressed compromised security standards, cryptographers warn.


What does NSA fallout mean for cyber?

Aside from addressing immediate privacy concerns, the president’s overhaul plan will set precedents to be applied to future cybersecurity operations.


Review board to Obama: Shut down NSA program

The recommendations would represent a more decisive step than reform efforts outlined by the president earlier this week.


Justice Department sues security clearance firm

Among the background checks performed by USIS were those on intelligence community contractor Edward Snowden and Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis.


Gates: NSA ‘primary weapon in this conflict’

The former Pentagon chief decried Obama administration leaks and privacy advocates who downplay the need for security.


Obama trims intelligence gathering

The presidential directive places new limits on the collection of data on Americans' communications, but the gathering of data will continue.


NSA doesn’t deny spying on Congress

In response to a letter from a senator, the spy agency detailed its surveillance efforts without directly addressing whether it was collecting data on lawmakers.


IT agenda teed up for 2014

Three key issues – acquisition, China sourcing and surveillance are likely to dominate the IT landscape in Congress.


10 reports worth a second look

Among the most interesting Critical Read pieces FCW published in 2013 were ones covering the security clearance process, performance management and FISMA.


White House review group issues intelligence reform report

The 300-page report is aimed at balancing national security concerns with protections for privacy and civil liberties.


NSA talking Snowden, insider threats

The National Security Agency has began what in effect is a public relations tour to rebuild its reputation, including considering an amnesty deal for former contractor Edward Snowden.


No split between NSA and Cyber Command

Despite task force recommendations, the White House makes clear that Alexander's successor will play both roles.


Is Cyber Command ready to stand on its own?

Alexander's planned retirement offers a chance to reorganize, but the changes required are anything but simple.


Could state law curtail NSA’s massive Utah data center?

A coalition of anti-surveillance activists wants to use local utilities as leverage to halt data collection.