
Could ICITE have stopped Snowden?

DNI James Clapper argues that a new IT initiative might have prevented the leaks of classified information that exposed details about NSA operations.


Intell community strives for better info sharing

Hurdles remain despite reaching important milestones, but solutions may be in sight.


How deep does NSA incursion at NIST go?

Readers wonder whether revelations that NSA influenced some NIST standards imply a deeper connection.


NIST reopens NSA-altered standards

Director defends the organization's integrity, invites new examination of long-adopted documents.


Intelligence community builds cloud infrastructure

The capabilities will grow still further when the CIA chooses between AWS and IBM.


What NSA's influence on NIST standards means for feds

Leaked documents show the National Security Agency introduced weaknesses into computer security standards, putting at risk NIST's reputation as a disinterested purveyor of cyber guidelines.


NSA's long history of paying carriers for data

Recent revelations continue a decades-long trend, and some experts say the payments can serve as a restraint.


Intel community IT spending exceeds that of many agencies

The 17 agencies within the intelligence community spend more money on enterprise IT systems alone than most agencies do on IT altogether.


How Snowden exploited NSA IT security gaps

Media reports detail the human-risk factors that facilitated leaks.


Intelligence Community turns to Tumblr for transparency

Clapper announces 'IC on the Record' to allow public access to declassified documents, other materials.


Amazon rips GAO, IBM in lawsuit over CIA cloud deal

Suit claims IBM protest was "meritless;" IBM counters with its "long history of delivering successful transformational projects."


DHS works to get classification tools in line

The Homeland Security Department plans to deploy an electronic document classification management tool designed to match up with other federal intelligence networks.


If not Clapper, then who?

A reader confirms the sense of uncertainty not only over who should lead an intelligence review, but who should be involved.

Digital Government

Leadership of intell review group remains unclear

A high-level group of independent experts will review federal intelligence and communications technologies as a step in advancing the debate over U.S. surveillance activities, but who will lead the group and determine its membership remains unclear.


DISA plans analytic cloud; looks to NSA's model

DISA's planned 'Acropolis' cloud environment will provide situational cybersecurity awareness, data analysis to detect threats.


IBM intervenes in Amazon cloud case

Legal maneuvers in disputed CIA cloud contract demonstrate the importance of the deal.


A graphic look at NSA

By the numbers: PRISM intercepts, contractor clearances and Edward Snowden.


Amazon files court complaint over CIA cloud deal

The cloud provider is challenging the corrective action that GAO recommended to the CIA after upholding a bid protest.


ODNI attorney: 'Security and privacy are not zero-sum'

General counsel discusses NSA surveillance, says new technology demands new thinking from the intelligence community.