Artificial Intelligence

What AI-powered robots have to say about their future with humanity

The press conference was billed as the world’s first where robots and AI took center stage, answering live questions from human reporters.


Congress must use budget power to move tech firms out of Beijing’s orbit, former lawmaker says

Former congressman and Under Secretary of the Army Patrick Murphy said lawmakers need to be focused “like a bulldog on a bone” when ensuring the U.S. is positioned to compete with China’s tech ambitions.


Lawmakers suggest ‘radical transparency’ as key to shoring up US cyber posture

The lessons of Ukraine argue for increased openness about public and private sector cyber attacks, two congressmen said on Monday.

Digital Government

How DISA plans to use its workforce to combat China and global adversaries

The Defense Information Systems Agency’s Workforce 2025 framework is designed to help the agency attract and retain a workforce that “adapts to the ever-changing landscape of IT and cyberspace.”


New bill proposes 'made in China' tags for mobile apps

The legislation would require large online app stores — including Apple’s App Store and Google Play — to disclose the countries where their apps were developed and are currently owned.


US deploys tech diplomacy to cultivate leadership in emerging fields

The Biden administration’s latest foreign policy pillar prioritizes uniform standards on critical technologies within ally nations.

Artificial Intelligence

AI and China are ‘defining challenges of our time,’ CISA director says

Artificial intelligence’s potential as an “extinction event” for humanity prompted CISA Director Jen Easterly to advise companies to “think about self-regulation” for product security and safety.


DOD Submits Classified Cyber Strategy to Congress

An unclassified fact sheet released by the Pentagon said the new strategy will continue efforts to conduct “hunt forward operations”’ with U.S. allies and “defend forward” activities meant to disrupt threat actors on their own turf.


Securing U.S. Intellectual Property ‘Top Priority’ for Federal Law Enforcement

The FBI and Homeland Security are emphasizing the need to digitally safeguard tech R&D in the U.S. from state-sponsored adversaries.

Digital Government

State Department's Plan to Use $500M CHIPS Funding to Bolster the Supply Chain

The State Department is using its CHIPS funding to foster relations with allies, strengthen supply chains and build a robust semiconductor ecosystem.

Emerging Tech

IBM to Partner with US and Japanese Universities on Quantum Supercomputer R&D

With funding from IBM, universities in both countries will collaborate to develop a quantum supercomputer to spur further innovation in the field.

Emerging Tech

Larger NASA Budget Essential to Beat China to Lunar Resources, Administrator Says

The agency’s requested budget will help to continue missions like Artemis and improve space operations and safety.


US Proposes Designating Portion of Radio Spectrum for 5G in the Americas

If approved, the proposal could enable countries in the Americas to use the band to deploy 5G mobile services. 

Artificial Intelligence

Officials Warn of 'Power' and 'Failure' of Imagination in AI Regulation

The U.S. should work with allies to continue to innovate in AI capabilities while agreeing on common use cases, administration officials say.


Federal Operation Takes Down Sophisticated Russian Malware

Snake malware has plagued international digital networks for nearly two decades; a joint federal effort finally dismantled the web of espionage spyware.


State-Sponsored Actors Leading Cause of Cyber Concern in Public Sector

A new SolarWinds report details how foreign hackers have become the largest concern among government entities, and how zero-trust strategies have become the most popular defense.

Digital Government

First National Standards Strategy Aims to Keep U.S. Competitive in Emerging Tech

Unveiled Thursday, the strategy promotes private sector and international collaboration with federal officials as emerging technologies continue to advance. 


Global Appeal of NIST Cyber Framework Leads to Multiple Translations, Possible Updates

The National Institute of Standards and Technology aims to ensure its forthcoming update to the cybersecurity guidance remains a flexible playbook domestic and international entities can adopt.

Emerging Tech

Digital Authoritarianism Poses ‘Critical Threat’ to National Security, Intel Chief Says

The top U.S. intelligence official said democratic nations need to develop frameworks that “preserve, to the greatest extent, the promise” of emerging tech that could be used by repressive regimes to censor or surveil citizens.


Federal Law Enforcement’s New Focus is on ‘Disruption’ of Cybercrime

Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco noted that success will be seen with a “bias towards action,” rather than just courtroom victories.