
GAO: Agencies lag in IPv6 transition

Only 13 agencies have developed a plan to test for compatibility and interoperability with their current systems, GAO found.


Where the road leads

Applications to ride the IPv6 highway are slow to emerge.


Agencies slow in adopting IPv6, survey finds

Almost 65 percent of respondents said funding and budgets were the top challenges they face.


Migrating to IPv6

With deadlines looming, agencies need to get serious about upgrading their data networks to the next-generation IP.


Get ready for IPv6, industry leader says

IPv4 use will peak in 2010, Alex Lightman said.


IPv6: Where's the return on investment?

Even if there is no immediate return on investment, agencies must reprioritize funds to make the transition to IPv6, experts say.


Hain: How to meet the looming deadline

Here are five steps to be IPv6-ready by June 2008


Security, funding concerns slow IPv6 transition

Juniper IPv6 Summit features status reports and highlights approaching 2008 deadline.


Companies form IPv6 test center

The center, created by Spirent and v6 Transition, will allow federal agencies to test networks' and products' IPv6 capabilities.


OMB: No new money for IPv6

Federal agencies have all the money they need to make a mandatory transition to the next generation of IP, a top OMB official said.


SI nabs IPv6 transition task

The integrator will support DOD's move to the new Internet technology.


OMB insistent on IPv6

Federal agencies must head to the next generation of IP by 2008, according to an OMB official.


Agencies must prepare for IPv6

Evans sets a June 2008 deadline for shift


OMB: IPv6 by June 2008

Federal agencies will make the change to the latest version of IP, Karen Evans tells a House committee.


Survey: Feds aren't aware of IPv6 benefits

A Juniper survey says feds don't know that IP Version 6 could improve cybersecurity, network management and network quality of service.


Does IPv6 ring a bell?

Not with most feds, according to a Juniper Networks study.