
Built to Change: The New Model for Federal IT Modernization

Instead of purchasing what's built to last, the government should think about purchasing with change in mind.

Digital Government

House Oversight Chair—And IT Reform Ally—Won't Run for Reelection

Chaffetz was a thorn in the Obama administration’s side, using his oversight powers to review the attacks in Benghazi, Libya, and repeatedly probed Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.


Mismanagement Could Scuttle Trump Cyber, IT Modernization Plans

Trump’s prepping big plans to modernize and secure government technology, but he’ll need government’s buy in to get it done.

Digital Government

Tech Leaders’ Top Recommendations for Fixing Federal IT Challenges

These key actions key include bolstering FITARA, enhancing CIO authorities and improving budget formulation, governance, workforce operations and transition planning.

Digital Government

IT Subcommittee to Focus on Buying Better Tech Faster

“It’s time we align best practices in government with industry in acquisition,” Rep. Will Hurd said.

Digital Government

IT Modernization Bill Could be Reintroduced in Congress This Week

Rep. Will Hurd, R-Texas, could introduce a tweaked version of the Modernizing Government Technology Act, which passed the House in September but stalled in the Senate during the lame-duck session.  


GAO: Optimize Data Centers or Lose Them

Progress on closing data centers is mixed and the government’s optimization efforts are worse.


Redefining the Role of Federal CIO: The Enabler-in-Chief

The key is modernizing systems will not be done in the same architectural model of the past.


Modernizing Government IT—By Looking to the Private Sector

To operate at today’s scale and face today’s threats, the government needs a paradigm shift in how it approaches technology.


Trump: Agency Heads ‘Totally Accountable’ for Modernization, Cybersecurity

Trump canceled his scheduled signing of a cybersecurity-themed executive order with no explanation.


FITARA Must Become the Catalyst for Change in Federal IT

Many still consider FITARA a compliance drill rather than a way to transform IT.

Digital Government

CIO Authority 'Still a Major Issue' Across Government

Neither of the CIOs called to testify before the House committee—Luke McCormack at the Homeland Security Department and Frontis Wiggins of the State Department—report to the top two positions within their agencies.

Digital Government

Agencies Fail at CIO Authorities in New Scorecards

The low scores indicate FITARA may not be empowering CIOs as originally intended, or at least not as quickly as Congress had hoped.


How to Improve the Health of Your Agency's IT Portfolio

There is a long list of uncertainties for federal IT organizations given the upcoming administration transition.