
TSA to Overhaul its Credentialing System with $199 Million Contract Award

The Transportation Security Administration partnered with Accenture to modernize its security reporting and credentialing systems.

Digital Government

TMF Announces Two New Awards

The U.S. Postal Regulatory Commission and the Selective Service System are in line for IT modernization funding boosts.


IRS announces new office focusing on taxpayer experience

One of several lines of effort at the IRS to improve customer experience is digital services, which will include efforts ranging from digital signatures to expanded online payment options.


Federal Agencies Take Mitigating Steps To Protect Internet Infrastructure

A new report examines public agency practices to prevent the exploitation of vulnerabilities within the modern internet framework.

Digital Government

Cost Overruns and Delays for OPM's Trust Fund Modernization

OPM is working to modernize the legacy financial system that manages retirement, health benefits and life insurance programs, but it's behind schedule and over budget.


Research Reveals AI Gaps in Federal IT Modernization

Only one-quarter of study participants saw AI as critical or very valuable to their modernization efforts, and one-third saw it as not very/not at all valuable. 

Emerging Tech

Pentagon Inches Closer to Unleashing Two New Supercomputers

A storage capabilities supplier shared fresh details on the in-the-making systems.

Digital Government

Upcoming Department of Energy Playbook Aims to Guide Innovation 'in Big Ways'

Energy CIO Anne Dunkin discussed the agency’s vision for a broadly-applicable modernization playbook to help federal organizations strategically upgrade outdated technology. 


Energy Department Plans to Release Guide to Scaling IT Modernization

The agency has found success in taking small steps to deploying large-scale changes.


Watchdog Finds IT Scorecards Effective In Monitoring Federal Modernization Efforts

A new report highlights the benefits FITARA grading has had on modernizing tech within the government, despite recent failing grades. 


Coast Guard Completes Financial System Modernization

The Coast Guard is the latest agency to update its financial software systems as more federal agencies continue modernization efforts.


In IT Modernization And Cloud Adoption, Don’t Overlook Employee Training

Training helps keep employees up to date on the latest tech and keep them engaged, according to GSA Cloud Optimization Director Thomas Santucci.


Army Intel Division Aiming For Wide-Reaching IT Overhaul

The Intelligence and Security Command unit published a solicitation looking for a contractor to modernize its IT infrastructure, focusing on secure network and automation capabilities.


A Multi-Cloud Roadmap for Federal Agencies

A good multi-cloud strategy provides a single set of management tools.

Digital Government

Better Collaboration Needed Between 18F, USDS To Reduce Overlap, GAO Says

A GAO audit suggests the two offices need to improve communication of IT guidance to reduce overlap and contradiction for federal agencies.