
How Governments Can Protect Themselves Against Fraud in Times of Crisis

Agencies are up against challenges that will arise again and again during each next disaster as they continue to use outdated technology.


Navy Eyes a Future Where IT Services Are Common—and Not Duplicated

Officials will first focus on core IT capabilities and expand as use cases demand. 


Federal CISO Considers Including Technology Modernization in Cybersecurity Metrics

Chris De Rusha is also thinking about how to use the Technology Modernization Fund to create a new shared services program for zero-trust implementation.


IRS’ New Digital Case Management System Failed to Meet Early Expectations

The first releases did not include functionality end-users were expecting and failed to meet Section 508 accessibility standards.


Congress Gets First Look At Upcoming TMF Awards

The federal CIO offered a few details of the project proposals received and upcoming award announcements.


5 Post-Pandemic Federal Telecom Trends 

The past year and a half of telework and remote service delivery have accelerated the impact of the government's digital transformation efforts.

Digital Government

How the Veterans Affairs Department Went Digital During the Pandemic

Senior officials shared details and numbers on the department’s COVID-19-specific deployments.

Emerging Tech

EPA’s New Telecom Contract Will Ensure Every Employee Can Telework

The agency has yet to pick a vendor off the Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions contract but has built-in key modernization goals for remote work, according to the inspector general.


FITARA Scores Are the Push Agencies Need to Improve Basic Federal Cyber Hygiene

Here are some ideas where government IT leaders can improve cybersecurity at their agency.


Federal CIO: Diversity, Accessibility Are Key to Improving Customer Experience

A diverse workforce and focus on accessibility will be central to administration’s efforts to improve customer experience.


The State of the Federal Cloud

In this ebook, Nextgov looks at major cloud computing efforts across the civilian and defense space.


GSA Taps Tech Modernization Fund Chief

The fund figures to play an important role in helping agencies modernize IT.


How to Make Unemployment Insurance Work for Gig Workers

The share of workers who have traditional full-time jobs is shrinking but the ways to verify identity and income have not kept up.


Why Open-Source Tech Holds the Key to Modernization

As “avoid vendor lock-in” eclipses “do more with less,” open source offers freedom to tailor mission-specific solutions and cherry-pick right-sized applications.


Government Should Embrace the Advantages of the MVP Approach

The MVP is meant to eliminate waste—save money and time that would otherwise be spent on fruitless ideas.

Digital Government

GSA’s First Centers of Excellence Customer Touts $50M in Cost Avoidance

After three years, the Agriculture Department launched a cloud office, consolidated contact centers and stood up more than a hundred dashboards.