
DOJ tees up infrastructure program management recompete

The Justice Department is conducting market research for a potential $75 million recompete contract to provide enterprise infrastructure services support within the CIO's office.


Watchdog: Justice Dept. lags on implementing tech, supply chain recommendations

An inspector general's report issued Thursday noted that as of Nov. 30, the department has more than 700 recommendations that had not yet been fully implemented, some more than three years old.

Digital Government

DOJ looks to improve the FOIA experience with new ‘wizard’

A new FOIA search tool is under development, while forthcoming shared business standards aim to streamline case management systems.


Senators urge DOJ to flex debarment authority

Two Democrats say that companies are getting away with "ripping off the government" because of the reluctance to exercise suspension and debarment authorities.


DOJ sues to block spy tech deal

The U.S. government is opposing Booz Allen’s bid to acquire a rival ahead of a five-year signals intelligence procurement.


Former DHS acting IG pleads guilty in software scheme

A former acting top watchdog at the Department of Homeland Security pleaded guilty in a scheme to steal case management software from multiple federal agencies in order to create a new system to sell back to the government.

Digital Government

IGs look to expand investigative authority

Agency watchdogs told lawmakers that they would like authority to subpoena former federal employees, contractors and other non-governmental witnesses to give testimony in IG probes.


New bill looks to ramp up penalties for ransomware crooks

Three senators are aiming to pass new legislation that expands DOJ's power to go after botnets and stiffen penalties for cyberattacks on critical infrastructure by adding it to the upcoming infrastructure bill.


DOJ seizes $2.26 million in ransom paid out by Colonial Pipeline

The FBI on Monday said it has identified at least 90 victims across multiple industrial sectors that Darkside has victimized.


Unions, agencies encouraging feds to get vaccinated

Early results from federal workforce campaigns suggest that vaccine uptake could present challenges once availability for all age groups is no longer an obstacle.


DOJ charges three in WannaCry attacks, attempts to steal $1.3B

In addition to unsealing the charges against three North Korean hackers, the U.S. government also published indicators of compromise for a family of malicious cryptocurrency applications called "AppleJeus."


The long road to electronic records management

A deadline looms for switching to all-digital records, but the pandemic and other developments are presenting new challenges.


House Dems call on AG nominee to protect immigration judges' union

The chairs of the Committee on Oversight and Reform and the Subcommittee on Government Operations are asking Merrick Garland to protect immigration judges ability to unionize, which was invalidated by a labor authority last year.


Senate Dems demand answers on DOJ's hack exposure

A group of Democratic senators want detailed answers from the Justice Department and the judiciary branch by the end of the month about the impact of the SolarWinds breach.

Digital Government

Capitol rioters planned for weeks in plain sight. The police weren't ready.

For reasons that remained unclear Wednesday night, the law enforcement authorities charged with protecting the nation’s entire legislative branch — nearly all of the 535 members of Congress gathered in a joint session, along with Vice President Mike Pence — were ill-prepared to contain the forces massed against them.


DOJ says it was hit by SolarWinds hackers

The Justice Department today said hackers likely accessed about 3% of email inboxes.


FITARA grades mostly stable

Most agencies maintained their grades on the latest FITARA scorecard, but the new telecom category produced some failing marks.


Contested FBI wireless contract goes to AT&T

FBI's $92 million emergency operations wireless service contract goes to AT&T after lengthy protest scuffle.


DOJ's China hack indictments offer businesses key threat intel, officials say

A Justice Department official today disclosed that 1,000 Chinese researchers have been expelled from the country for hiding their affiliation with the Chinese military.

Digital Government

FAA presses on anti-UAS testing

The Federal Aviation Administration is advancing testing of anti-drone technology at airports, as federal authorities say rogue unmanned aircraft remain a problem even in the pandemic.