
Feds targeted in Clandestine Wolf phishing campaign

DHS and the FBI are briefing agencies about a new threat from Chinese hackers.


Justice Dept. seeks new authorities to fight cybercrime

Agency argues legislation is needed to effectively prosecute new kinds of online fraud and abuse.


Comey renews encryption plea on Capitol Hill

The FBI director's arguments for law enforcement access to encrypted communications met a friendlier reception in the Senate than in the House.


Justice Department needs a few good hackers

DOJ wants help finding their own security flaws before the bad guys get there.


CJS funding bill would limit high-tech surveillance

Several provisions in the Commerce-Justice-Science bill would bar the use of funds for various surveillance activities.


FBI delayed privacy protection rules for Section 215 data, says IG

An IG report asserts that it should not "have taken 7 years … to develop minimization procedures" to protect the privacy of data.


Comey: Industry letter on encryption is 'depressing'

The FBI director said a head-on collision is coming between privacy and public safety.


Tech firms, privacy advocates push White House on encryption

A group that includes Google, Apple and Microsoft wants the Obama administration to drop efforts to provide law enforcement with access to encrypted communications.


When shared services go bad

The rise of criminal shared services has been startling, says the FBI’s John Riggi. "The bad guys have figured out that cooperation works."


FBI cyber boss gets bigger portfolio

Joseph Demarest, who took a leading role in pointing the finger at North Korea for the Sony hack, moves to the No. 2 position in the Criminal, Cyber, Response and Services Branch.


'There's opportunity in FITARA'

For some agencies, the Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act and accompanying guidance dovetail with initiatives already begun. For others, implementation will be a tougher row to hoe.


DOJ official warns of Sony repeat

John Carlin, assistant attorney general for national security, warns that more destructive cyberattacks are likely on the horizon.


Agencies seek at least $75 million in digital service funding

Most CFO Act agencies have made budget requests to fund Digital Services teams.