
How to get ahead in government

Technical chops and hard work are still critical, but advancing into agency leadership demands a much broader skill set.


DOJ recording policy raises tech questions

Recording suspect interviews presents the department with the challenge of how it will create and store the information.


Mueller: Cyber experts need offline investigative skills

While agencies scramble to recruit cyber talent, former FBI Director Robert Mueller notes that law enforcement skills are also needed.


China faces cyber espionage charges

The Justice Department accused five officers from a People’s Liberation Army hacking unit with stealing proprietary information from U.S. companies and a labor union.


FBI in the market for bad software

The FBI is seeking a supplier of malicious code, links and exploits.


Justice reassures ISPs on information-sharing

A DOJ white paper asserts that federal law does not preclude companies from providing aggregate data -- if that data contains no specific, detailed information on customers.

Digital Government

Taking video analytics to the next level

The technology has become more common in the federal space and even in consumer settings, but it still has a long way to go.

Digital Government

Exit interview: Joseph Klimavicz

The outgoing NOAA CIO says that of the many innovations he has led at the agency, a recently unveiled big data plan is the "most out of the box" -- and he is sorry he won't be around to see it through as he heads to the Justice Department.


NOAA CIO headed to Justice

Joseph Klimavicz will take over the post that Luke McCormack left in November 2013.


DOJ immigration databases in the dark

The Executive Office for Immigration Review suffered "a hardware failure," but removal proceedings are continuing backed by paper files.


ATF plans new case management system

Next generation case management systems have bedeviled federal law enforcement agencies, with both ICE and the FBI running into trouble.

Digital Government

In-flight Wi-Fi for Con Air

The Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System is bringing broadband to its planes.


Details emerge on scope of FBI's identification system

The next-generation database will contain as many as 52 million facial images, including millions taken for non-criminal investigations.


Justice, FTC offer new encouragement for information sharing

A joint policy statement assures companies they can share cyberthreat information without violating antitrust laws.


Justice cancels 7 IT procurements over China links

The Section 516 rule seeks to eliminate IT gear from firms that are responsible for cyberattacks on U.S. companies or have ties to China's military.


Justice IG finds fault with encryption practices

An audit ripped the U.S. Attorneys’ office for failing to secure laptops and tablets holding sensitive information.


Filling in the blanks on GSA's cyber-response campus

Experts say cyber-response consolidation is a laudable goal, but warn that it is also fraught with potential problems.