Digital Government

Paul steps aside as PM-ISE

The longtime architect of terrorism-related information sharing efforts will be returning to career SES status and staying in government.


Why risk management is critical in cybersecurity

The concept of cybersecurity as a risk management problem is taking root in corporate boardrooms as well as inside government agencies.


House panel seeks new rules for Stingrays

Technology used by law enforcement agencies to track the location of a cell phone needs to be better regulated, a House report concluded.

Digital Government

Obama signs bill clarifying IG authority

At the close of his administration, President Obama signed into law a measure that specifies access for inspectors general to agency information.


DOJ defends new cyber snooping regulations

The Justice Department said changes to criminal rules will help catch pedophiles and cybercriminals, but privacy advocates say the rules are a dangerous expansion of government hacking powers.


DOJ gets new legal tool to go after botnets

A procedural shift makes it easier for federal law enforcement to investigate attacks that use devices scattered across the country.

Digital Government

Justice Department issues 'smart gun' specs

After six months of talks with firearms firms, law enforcement and independent experts, DOJ officials unveil baseline requirements that could be applied to agency purchases.


Why cyber needs to be front and center in the transition

Experts warn that past transitions have ignored the lessons learned by outgoing administrations, and the stakes are so high now that the Trump Administration needs to heed the advice of Obama's cyber officials.

Digital Government

DOJ seeks digital services director

The Justice Department is looking for a senior executive to manage analytics, agile processes and more cutting edge tech development.


DOJ releases controversial cybercrime prosecution memo

More than two years after Attorney General Eric Holder penned a memo to federal prosecutors offering guidance on pursuing cases under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, litigation prompted the DOJ to release the document to the public.


Air Force has biggest cloud contract in 2016

The Air Force, Justice Department, Agriculture Department and DHS led the way on cloud contracting in fiscal 2016, according to a Deltek analysis.


White House policy defines cyber roles

A new presidential policy directive clarifies the responsibilities of federal law enforcement, security and intelligence agencies in responding to significant cyber incidents.

Digital Government

Justice Department putting smart guns to the test

The National Institute of Justice is conducting a smart gun technology challenge and asking for feedback on ways such tech could be integrated into federal law enforcement firearms.

Digital Government

Chinese businessman sentenced in military contractor hack

A federal judge has sentenced a Chinese national who admitted to being part of a years-long conspiracy to hack into the computer networks of major U.S. defense contractors.


To fight ransomware, DOJ wants companies to talk more

Paying off ransomware hackers just encourages more attacks, according to a senior Justice Department official.


ISIS-linked hacker pleads guilty to targeting feds

A Kosovar named Ardit Ferizi stole the personally identifiable information of over 1,000 U.S. military and federal personnel, authorities said.


Email privacy update stalls in Senate

A move to update a 1986 law covering law enforcement access to email is frozen in the Senate over a security amendment dubbed a "poison pill" by the bill's sponsor.


DOJ official: Some crypto poses 'undeniable' threat to public safety

Encryption has its virtues, but it is not universally good, said Leslie Caldwell, assistant attorney general for Justice's Criminal Division.

Digital Government

Senators seek to block expanded hacking powers for FBI

The Justice Department says greater authority is necessary to pursue anonymous criminals, but some senators oppose what they say is an encroachment on Americans' digital rights.


Justice official: Info sharing is the best revenge

Cybersecurity officials from Homeland Security and Justice urged continued collaboration to keep growing cyberattacks at bay.