
As Feds Expand Guest Worker Visas, Many Companies Say More Still Needed

Competition is stiff for businesses seeking H-2B visas. And the worker shortages have been felt all over the country, in a range of industries.

Digital Government

Labor Department Creates Chief Data Officer Position

In addition to a CDO, the agency will establish a data board—both in accordance with the OPEN Government Data Act.


Potential Merger Isn’t Slowing Education’s IT Modernization Plans

Officials said looking at technology should be a first step in merging agencies but those discussions can’t start without a mandate.

Digital Government

Digital Time-Tracking Systems Are Draining Worker Pay

Making sure that people are compensated for the time they’ve worked is an issue of fairness.

Digital Government

More Feds Telework Than Ever Despite Managers' Resistance

Issues with documentation and data integrity are preventing successful teleworking operations.

Digital Government

Why Bosses Can Track Their Employees 24/7

In many states, employers aren’t barred from monitoring workers’ locations after hours or without their consent.

Digital Government

US Government Sues Google Over Its Diversity Data

The tech giant is being sued by the Labor Department over the company’s disclosure of compensation data and documents.

Digital Government

Congress Flexes Muscle on FITARA

"We are going to stick with this,” said Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., who promised a bipartisan effort to ensure FITARA is carried out successfully.

Digital Government

Lawmaker: Agencies Don’t Need Billions in New Funding to Upgrade Legacy IT

Agencies should repurpose savings from data center consolidation, says Rep. Will Hurd, R-Texas, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s IT operations subcommittee.


Federal Board Has a Plan to Secure Health, Retirement Plans from Cyberthreats

An upcoming study will focus on “outlining the scalable elements of cyber-risk management strategies for benefit plans.”

Digital Government

Labor Department Launches New Jobs Site for Vets

Veterans.gov -- separate from Vets.gov -- puts agencies’ employment resources in one place.

Digital Government

CIOs: Tell Your Legacy IT Horror Stories

Shocking anecdotes about outdated technology could be the key to growing IT budgets, according to one government official.