Digital Government

DOJ, DHS say foreign influence campaigns didn't alter 2018 elections

An interagency process assessed efforts to hack into voting machines and election systems or alter voter behavior through covert influence campaigns on social platforms and other media.

Digital Government

While You're Watching Super Bowl LIII, DHS and Atlanta Will Be Watching You

Federal and local law enforcement are combining efforts—and technology assets—to secure the biggest sport event of the year.


Patriot Act updates lurk for Congress

The upcoming expiration of a handful of key provisions in the Patriot Act at the end of the year could set up another battle in Congress over the size and scope of U.S. surveillance authorities.

Digital Government

The Wheels of Justice Are Grinding to a Halt

FBI agents say the government shutdown is costing them confidential sources, postponing indictments, and shutting down investigations.


DOJ official says 'name and shame' is one piece of the puzzle

Assistant Attorney General John Demers defended the government's policy of indicting hackers linked to foreign governments, even if those charged never see the inside of a courtroom.

Emerging Tech

Amazon Shareholders Move to Stop Selling Facial Recognition Tech to Government Agencies

A group of shareholders filed a resolution to halt sales until they can consider the tech’s societal impact.

Digital Government

FBI Agents Say the Shutdown Is a Threat to National Security

Nearly 5,000 FBI special agents, intelligence analysts, attorneys, and professional staff have been furloughed.


FBI group says shutdown imperils national security

FBI agents are working without pay during the government shutdown, and their advocates say that the resulting financial instability is a national security risk.

Emerging Tech

Survey: Americans Warming to Use of Facial Recognition Tech

Americans do not favor strict limits on facial recognition technology, according to a new national survey.

Emerging Tech

The FBI is Trying Amazon’s Facial-Recognition Software

The software allows the FBI to go through video surveillance footage much faster than agents can.

Digital Government

'Stone Panda' hackers indicted in campaign that targeted U.S. government networks

The Department of Justice announced criminal charges against two Chinese nationals accused of a years-long campaign to hack U.S. government agencies and private companies around the world in order to steal trade secrets and intellectual property.


State Department Is Buying Phone Hacking Tools for Ghanaian Police

The department issued a solicitation for specific hacking tools, which it plans to give to partners in Ghana to stem international crime.


Microsoft president calls for government oversight on facial recognition

The tech industry leader is worried that potential abuses of facial recognition technology could diminish enthusiasm for positive and practical uses in commerce and law enforcement.

Emerging Tech

Who’s Tracking Your License Plate?

Automated license plate readers are collecting and sharing tons of data across state lines, according to records from nearly 200 police departments nationwide.

Emerging Tech

Lawmakers Want Better Answers from Amazon About Facial Matching Program

As law enforcement agencies experiment with the tech, lawmakers push for details about accuracy and privacy.


FBI Issues Timeline for $5 Billion IT Contract Solicitation

The bureau’s ITSSS contract has gone through a lot of changes recently but officials expect to have the draft and final RFPs out early next year.


DOJ continues push for encrypted comms

New proposals by Western governments to increase law enforcement access to encrypted data continue to generate the same objections from cybersecurity and cryptography experts.