Emerging Tech

Driving Without a Smartphone

A new law in Georgia discourages drivers from even touching a screen. Whether or not it improves safety, it could help break people’s phone habits.


The Security Hole in Apple's New Security Feature

USB Restricted Mode could still let law enforcement into your phone.

Emerging Tech

Orlando Does an About-Face on Facial Recognition Technology

The city’s police department is moving forward with the second phase of testing weeks after the initial pilot program ended amid concerns raised by civil liberties groups.


NTIA blocks China Mobile's bid for U.S. presence

The NTIA tells the FCC that China Mobile is a potential national security threat if it is allowed to provide international services from the U.S.


Tech is center stage in global IRS tax crime partnership

The IRS announced a global partnership with four other nations that will focus on information and technology sharing, cooperation on criminal and financial investigations, cybercrime and cryptocurrencies.


3 Ways to Use Data to Fight Terrorism and Money Laundering

Cognitive search and analytics technologies are all about accessing the right information at the right time.

Digital Government

A U.S. Court Rejected Google Translate as a Means of Providing Consent to a Cop

Courts around the world are increasingly considering relying on machine translation during legal proceedings.

Emerging Tech

Drone Cops Take Flight in Los Angeles

The L.A. County Sheriff has deployed a quadcopter drone for rescue and reconnaissance. But will the public accept that these aerial officers come in peace?


Bill Would Prevent States from Messing with Encryption

The bill comes amid an encryption debate that pits national security against cybersecurity.


Lawmakers seek standardized national encryption policy

A push on Capitol Hill looks to preempt a possible patchwork of data encryption policies varying from state to state.


FBI Stands Firm on ‘Going Dark’ Problem While Acknowledging Inflated Data

The bureau may have overstated by three times or more the number of encrypted devices it couldn’t access last year.


Lawmakers Reintroduce Bill to Bar Government Encryption Backdoors

The move comes as Attorney General Jeff Sessions is pushing for legislation to allow access to encrypted communications.


How to beat the cost of crime-solving tech

Complex and expensive crime-solving needs are driving local law enforcement entities to the FBI and other deep-pocketed federal agencies for solutions.