Digital Government

Senate Requests Intel on Capitol Attack

The lawmakers want timelines and operational details from 22 government agencies and offices leading up to the Jan. 6 breach of the building.


New bill looks to close retirement loophole for injured federal first responders

Sponsors say the legislation is needed to allow federal first responders to access their retirement benefits if they are injured on the job.


Senate Dems demand answers on DOJ's hack exposure

A group of Democratic senators want detailed answers from the Justice Department and the judiciary branch by the end of the month about the impact of the SolarWinds breach.

Digital Government

Lawmaker Urges Tech Companies to Save Posts, Metadata From Jan. 6 Insurrection

Sen. Mark Warner sent letters to 11 wireless communication and social media companies asking them to get ready to hand over content for legal proceedings.


Lawmakers seek details on damage done by the SolarWinds hack

As information trickles out about which federal agencies have been compromised by a sophisticated hacking operation, lawmakers have begun seeking an extensive accounting of what damage has been done.


Hack at Treasury and Commerce spurs emergency order from CISA

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued an emergency directive late Sunday night after reported breaches at two cabinet agencies. The Department of Homeland Security, CISA's parent agency, also has reportedly been breached.


Microsoft to launch top secret cloud

The company is waiting on government accreditation for the new top secret regions.


CBP wants to expand facial recognition

Customs and Border Protection is on track to move out of its test phase and expand use of facial recognition systems at airports and land border crossings.


Justice Department Makes Largest Cryptocurrency Seizure to Date 

Bitcoins valued at more than $1 billion were traced back to a hacker who took them from the notorious criminal marketplace, Silk Road.


In Response to the Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act

There is a balance that needs to be maintained between national security posture and upholding privacy—a balance that this bill is missing. 

Digital Government

ATF looks to consolidate data to aid investigations

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives sees an opportunity to tap data analytics to address rising gun store robberies.


FBI Fights Intellectual Property Theft from University Offices

Director Christopher Wray noted the importance of attribution in the bureau’s strategy amid growing difficulty investigating cyber crime.

Emerging Tech

Justice Wants to Add Facial Recognition to Marshals’ Smartphones

The service is looking for a software development kit to help it integrate biometrics tools with an app used to facilitate prisoner transfers.


VA reports data breach affecting 46,000 veterans

Scammers trying to divert payments for medical care compromised an online system belonging to the Financial Services Center.


NIST Calls for Standards to Improve Forensic Capabilities in the Cloud  

The agency has been highlighting gaps in cloud standards for almost a decade now and noted a conspicuous beneficiary of the status quo.


FAA to test anti-drone technologies

The Federal Aviation Administration will test commercial drone detection and mitigation systems in real-world civilian airport settings.


Senate's latest Russia report backs new rules for cyber vendors

Federal investigators may need new authorities to probe cybersecurity breaches in sensitive non-governmental networks, according to the declassified version of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's report on foreign interference in the 2016 election.

Digital Government

CBP seeks more data on small packages

Customs and Border Protection modified tariff rules to get more data on small packages that can bring in bogus medical supplies.


Two Chinese Nationals Indicted for Stealing Trade Secrets, Coronavirus Research

Federal prosecutors allege the pair hacked into corporations and research institutions on behalf of the Chinese government.

Artificial Intelligence

One City Rejected a Policing Algorithm. Could It Be Used For Other Purposes?

In Pittsburgh, an algorithm that deployed law enforcement officers to predicted crime “hot spots” might be repurposed to send social services to areas in need instead.