
How to Actually Promote Diversity in STEM

The future depends on a robust scientific workforce, but millions of minority students are massively underrepresented in these fields.

Digital Government

DHS Leadership Turnover Extends Beyond Secretary’s Office

The rotating cast of officials in top tech and cyber jobs could hinder the department’s ability to develop and execute a consistent digital strategy.

Digital Government

White House Builds Out Science and Tech Office

The Trump administration has been slow to fill positions in its tech policy apparatus.


Too Many CISOs Delay Cyber Response, DHS Official Says

The overabundance of federal cybersecurity leaders is inhibiting the government’s ability to rapidly respond to threats, according to Mark Bristow.


Federal CISO: Better Info Sharing Will Lead to More Secure Supply Chain

Federal Chief Information Security Officer Grant Schneider outlined the Federal Acquisition Supply Chain Council goals for 2020.

Digital Government

How Five Federal Agencies Fostered Innovation

New report showcases initiatives including a procurement lab and virtual internship program. 


Civilian Vendor Cybersecurity Certification Would Look Very Different From DOD

A civilian counterpart to the Pentagon’s Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification would need to suit the varying missions across government, according to federal deputy CIO Margie Graves.


The Energy Department Is Transforming a Cyber Competition into a Hiring Tool

Top down leadership and a dedicated national lab team are helping the department embrace a new approach to closing the workforce gap.


Lawmaker Demands Answers on Exodus of White House Cyber Officials

Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., wants the White House to respond to reports that it’s forcing high-ranking officials in the Office of the Chief Information Security Officer to step down.

Digital Government

White House Tech Chiefs Preview 2020 Cyber Initiatives

Over the next year, agencies can expect to see a big push for identity management protocols, network monitoring tools and supply chain security policies.

Digital Government

How Donald Trump Turned to a Comics Titan to Shape the VA

Former Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin shares details about the interactions in his new book.


Esper Recuses Himself from JEDI Cloud Contract Review

The Pentagon’s acquisition team will continue its review of bids submitted by Amazon Web Services and Microsoft, as the department’s deputy secretary of defense takes over the process. 


OMB Focused on Trust and Agility in Tech Improvements

Increased agility will help tech officials maximize their IT modernization efforts—and perhaps build more trust in government among the public.

Artificial Intelligence

Use of Artificial Intelligence Poised to Grow in State Government, Survey Finds

Experimentation is key to the Utah chief information officer’s expanded use of artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence

The Patent Office Is Hunting for an Artificial Intelligence Expert

The agency CIO said he’s looking for someone to provide critical technical insights and accelerate the office’s robust AI-driven efforts.


Texas Chief Information Officer Shares Lessons Learned from Ransomware Attack

The 23 municipalities hit in a July ransomware attack put themselves at risk by failing “to follow good cyber hygiene,” the state’s CIO said.


Former Navy Secretary: Effective Cybersecurity Requires Persistent Presence

In nearly eight years as Secretary of the Navy, I faced a steep challenge on how to manage cyber threats at the pace of 8 million attempted intrusions a day in an organization of 900,000 people, Ray Mabus writes.

Emerging Tech

Air Force CXO: We Don’t Have to Delight the User

Colt Whittall, the Air Force’s first chief experience officer, talks with Nextgov about the new role and what it will take to provide a better user experience for airmen.