Digital Government

Innovating from the Top: Federal Chief Innovation Officers

The federal bureaucracy might not seem like a mecca for out-of-the-box thinkers looking to effect large-scale change but increasingly, agencies are recruiting people to do just that.

Digital Government

RNC Chief Digital Officer to Join White House in Same Role

Gerrit Lansing, the RNC's chief digital officer since 2015, has been tapped to continue that role at the White House, Politico reported Wednesday.

Digital Government

The Case Against Federal Chief Innovation Officers

An executive with another title could make more impact, analysts say.

Digital Government

Chief Innovation Officers: An Unclear Role in the Federal Government

Today, federal chief innovation officers are significantly less common than the emerging role of chief data officer, and responsibilities associated with the title vary widely between agencies.

Digital Government

White House CIO to Tech Recruits: Stay in Government

The senior tech officials urged civic-minded tech workers who joined for Obama to stick around in the Trump administration.

Digital Government

Pentagon Tech Chief Says He'll 'Take the Hit' for GAO Criticism of JIE

“What we’ve tried to tell GAO is, in this case, you don’t measure JIE—you have to measure the components,” Terry Halvorsen said.

Digital Government

GAO to DHS: Give IT Officials a Seat at the Table

DHS' IT office has no official vote on DHS’ Joint Requirements Council, which was reinstated in 2014 after a former version of the council went defunct in the mid-2000s.

Digital Government

Leadership Lessons from Elon Musk

What it's like to have the real-life Tony Stark for a boss.

Digital Government

How to Get Ahead of 2016: Ensuring Federal IT Can Adapt to Leadership Transitions

In anticipation of the leadership changes a new administration brings, an adaptive approach will position federal IT to meet changing priorities while capitalizing on technology advancements.