
Cyber workforce order doesn't solve the retention problem

The new cyber workforce executive order looks to make it easier for employees to take on cybersecurity roles within government, but agency IT officials point out the measure has its limitations.


Senators drill in on OPM-GSA reorg at confirmation hearing

Senators questioned President Donald Trump's pick to lead the Office of Personnel Management about workforce issues including a planned reorg that would divide OPM's functions between the White House and the General Services Administration.


Watchdogs warn on DHS vacancies

Frequent turnover and persistent vacancies across the Department of Homeland Security are limiting the ability of employees to carry the agency's myriad missions.

Digital Government

OMB previews next steps on data policy

The White House will soon unveil its plan for managing data within and across agencies, as well as guidance for recently passed legislation, per top two IT officials in the administration's tech management policy office.


Your agency isn’t ready for AI

To truly take advantage, government must retool both its data and its infrastructure.


Will DHS leadership upheaval affect CISA?

As the Department of Homeland Security scrambles following the abrupt departures of Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and number of top officials, the newly formed Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency could get caught up in the chaos.


JEDI cloud deal down to AWS and Microsoft

A Defense Department probe into conflict of interest relating to its $10 billion cloud buy didn't find anything to derail the solicitation. An award could be coming in mid-July.


DHS chief Nielsen resigns

Kirstjen Nielsen, the first Homeland Security secretary with a background in cybersecurity, is being replaced on an acting basis by the Customs and Border Protection chief. Her last day is April 10.


TSA pushes on 3D baggage scanning

The Transportation Security Administration is moving quickly on acquisition plans to put "game-changing" 3D baggage scanning systems in place.


Margie Graves: Making modernization happen

The deputy federal CIO brings both deep-agency experience and big-picture perspective to a management agenda that has IT at its core.


Five myths of change management

Why the federal government needs to fund change management efforts alongside IT modernization.


Kent previews next steps for AI and data policy

The White House wants to continue increasing job automation via AI and plans to work with agencies to implement newly passed laws.

Digital Government

Tech officials huddle to implement new data laws

Agency tech officials meet with the Office of Management and Budget to decide how new data laws fit into their efforts under the President's Management Agenda.


White House seeks $50 million to push OPM-GSA merger

The White House budget proposed moving ahead with the administration’s reorganization plan to fold the Office of Personnel Management into the General Services Administration, and is exploring what can be done without congressional approval.


OPM chief says pay bump for feds is coming soon

Acting OPM Director Margaret Weichert said that the pay raise approved by lawmakers in the most recent appropriations package will hit paychecks after "exceedingly legalistic" hurdles are cleared.


DOD slow-walking reorg, watchdog says

The Government Accountability Office found that the Defense Department lacked a proper analysis and transition plan to move certain duties from the CIO to the chief management officer.


GSA chief takes heat on FBI HQ plans

Now that they're in the majority, House Democrats are pressing for answers on why a planned move by the FBI to a suburban campus was derailed.


House Dems to federal HR: Where's that pay raise?

Nine capital-area Democrats want answers from the Trump administration on when a 1.9 percent pay raise for civilian feds will start showing up in employee paychecks.


How executive vacancies hinder IT modernization and cybersecurity

Data from the Federal IT Dashboard and FISMA reports suggests that high-level agency vacancies slow modernization spending and are linked with a higher incidence of security breaches.


SEWP's off: Power failure briefly shutters NASA's tech contract

A power failure at the main building housing NASA's Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement contract vehicle has knocked out service for up to two days.