
Senators look to wean agencies off year-end spending sprees

Senate oversight chiefs tell agencies to cool their year-end "use it or lose it" spending.


How business process reengineering can support performance improvement

Modern use of BPR can create cost savings by focusing on problem definition and clarity of roles and responsibilities vs. people's individual performance -- not by targeting budget or staff cuts.


OMB looks to bots to take on 'low-value' work

The White House is planning to use automated bots to handle repetitive tasks in financial management and contacting.


Federal court upends Trump's workforce orders

A federal district court ruled that key provisions in three executive orders were invalid because of conflict with existing law.


HUD names new CIO

In a week filled with high-level IT comings and goings, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has picked a new top tech official.


Are federal agencies doing enough with social media?

Despite federal agencies' increasing use of social media use, many employees believe their organizations could improve.


Are agencies really ready for EIS?

The telecom contract has the potential to reinvent IT infrastructure, but finding the bandwidth to take full advantage could prove difficult.


The shadow rulers of the VA

The Department of Veterans Affairs is scrambling to modernize massive systems, reform its workforce and fill key leadership roles. According to ProPublica, a cadre of President Trump's Mar-a-Lago connections is secretly shaping those efforts and many others.


Agencies still lag in empowering their CIOs. What gives?

Despite legislation, other congressional pressures and a presidential executive order aimed at expanding the authorities of CIOs, most agencies still lack policies to make those requirements a reality.


Dave Powner audits the state of federal IT

The GAO director of information technology issues is leaving government after 16 years. On his way out the door, Dave Powner details how far govtech has come in the past two decades and flags the most critical issues he sees facing federal IT leaders.


Proposed OPM-GSA merger includes IT consolidation

As part of a proposed shift of most of OPM's function to GSA, officials plan a sharp consolidation of HR systems and the digitization of paper-based health and retirement records.


Federal unions push back against 'chaos'

In court, at agencies and at rallies, federal employee unions are battling what they're calling an unprecedented assault on the workforce.


The DATA Act compliance struggle is real

After more than a year's worth of DATA Act reporting, just six of the 24 CFO Act agencies submitted data agency watchdogs considered complete.


Beyond 'new shiny toys': CDM grows up

The government's ambitious cybersecurity program is entering a new phase, and IT leaders are looking forward to seeing a return on their investment.


State of evidence-based policymaking under Trump: 'Bad'

Former officials say a bipartisan movement to support the use of statistical evidence in government policymaking isn't advancing under the Trump administration despite big-name legislative backing.


Dems on Trump reorg: 'Where's the data?'

Democrats in the Senate are reluctant to support the Trump administration's reorganization plan before OMB provides the underlying analysis used to justify claims it would lead to smoother governance.


House panel approves bill to expedite fed firings

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee advanced a bill that would make it easier to fire federal employees for poor performance or misconduct.


Can TBM make IT investment reporting less painful?

Some agencies are wary of more data calls, but OMB leaders say the Technology Business Management framework could provide better insights and streamline compliance efforts.


New VA office takes charge of electronic health record

The move was announced as the House Veterans Affairs Committee established a new subcommittee to oversee the $16 billion Vista replacement effort


Is leadership churn limiting agency effectiveness?

Turnover in the Trump administration is at historic levels, which takes a toll on the ability of agencies to execute on their missions.