
Army looks to retool risk management

Col. Donald Bray, the Army's acting cyber director, explained how the service is adapting the Defense Department’s risk management framework guidance to fit its operational needs.


CIOs push back on FITARA scores

Officials at two agencies with low Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act grades pushed back on their scores and outlined their future modernization plans before a House panel.


USDS to certify new acquisition specialty

The U.S. Digital Service is adding a digital services contracting certification to create a cadre of "technology acquisition mavericks."


Reorganizing government: Lessons for rightsizing and downsizing

With agency reorganization plans due this month, Alan Balutis offers nine reminders for executives who will shape the change.


Trump executive order boosts agency CIO role

President Donald Trump signed an executive order to promote the CIO authorities called for in the FITARA legislation and to help speed direct-hire authority for tech personnel at agencies in need.


State lifts hiring freeze

The Department of State is lifting a hiring freeze that has been in effect since the early days of the Trump administration.


OPM, OMB officials push major workforce changes

Just after proposing a series of changes to the federal workforce retirement system, administration personnel directors are looking at more changes to improve recruitment and hiring.


Federal CIO lays out wish list for her agency counterparts

In order for CIOs to handle their increasingly important, complex and ranging roles, federal CIO Suzette Kent wants to see greater authorities for and communication between agency tech offices.


Perdue tops list of Service to the Citizen Award winners

Agriculture secretary is one of nearly 100 government and industry leaders recognized as "Champions of Change."


The future of federal IT leadership

It’s time to confront, not ignore, the changing expectations for CIOs.


EPA's Pruitt grilled over management, ethics concerns

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt faced tough questions from lawmakers about questionable expenditures and management style.


Uncertainty at VA after nominee withdraws

With White House physician Adm. Ronny Jackson's withdrawal, VA watchers are wondering what's next for the agency and its planned $16 billion health IT modernization project.


OPM chief looks to elevate CHCOs

In a new memo, Office of Personnel Management Director Jeff Pon wants to make sure agency human capital chiefs have a seat at the top table.


Bhagowalia moves to CBP

Former Treasury CIO Sonny Bhagowalia is now the top tech official at Customs and Border Protection.


Will 'fourth estate' reforms at DOD save serious money?

Eliminating supporting defense agencies may not save enough money to hit cost-cutting targets, experts say.


Changes coming to clearance process in 30 to 60 days, says ODNI

A top national security official said that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence hopes coming changes will significantly reduce the existing backlog, which has ballooned to 700,000 in recent years.


IGs: IT and workforce woes plague multiple agencies

The first-ever report on governmentwide challenges from a group of Inspectors General found that management of IT systems and human capital are among the most frequently identified performance challenges facing agencies across government.


White House looks to automation to improve federal workforce

Five percent of federal jobs could be completely automated, according to a White House workforce plan, and most jobs could benefit from some automation.

Digital Government

The biggest challenges for true modernization in 2018

The drive for IT transformation is reaching far beyond technology into every aspect of agency operations.


The IRS wants to talk business

The tax agency's procurement leaders want a more open dialogue with industry, but acknowledge that message doesn’t always make its way down the chain of command.