
White House sketches plans to staff its modernization efforts

A new solicitation sets the stage for a new advisory structure to help the Office of American Innovation modernize federal IT.


Lawmakers hear from Trump's picks to lead GSA, OPM

Federal hiring, the clearance backlog and procurement data came up in a Senate confirmation hearing for candidates to lead the Office of Personnel Management and the General Services Administration.


Graves: When MGT passes, modernization plans are ready

With the expected passage and funding of the MGT Act, Graves said that funneling resources to address the greatest vulnerabilities is the overarching goal.


DHS mandates new security standards for federal networks

The Department of Homeland Security is requiring agencies to use new email and web security protocols.


White House tech adviser: 'Way too many acting CIOs'

White House adviser Chris Liddell acknowledged that the federal government is moving too slowly in filling permanent CIO positions.


DHS names West acting deputy CIO

Barry West is acting deputy CIO at DHS, but the permanent CIO position remains open.


Do agencies need more flexibility for reorgs?

Shared services and workforce reductions are expected to feature prominently in the White House’s plan to reorganize the federal government, but some changes could benefit from additional outside authorities.


Let's change the "I" in RFI from information to interaction

To truly work together, government and industry should do a lot more talking.


White House cracks down on executive travel

The same day Tom Price stepped down as secretary of Health and Human Services, the White House put out a memo reminding agency execs not to stick taxpayers with the tab for private travel.


What to look for in agency reorg plans

Will agency reorganization plans focus on management and program improvements, or are the efforts a front for budget cuts and workforce reductions?


DHS moves ahead on financial system amid questions from Congress

DHS released the final draft RFP for its financial management system modernization to potential vendors and told them to plan for a late October contract award.


Navy looks to break ground with collaborative IT contracts

By getting ongoing industry input on contracts from industry, the Navy is expecting to save time. Will it work?


TBM 'years away' from full implementation

Top federal IT officials signaled that they are moving full steam ahead implementing the Technology Business Management framework, but caution that progress will take time.


IT, cyber figure in State Dept. 'redesign'

As the Trump administration looks to dramatically reshape the State Department's scope and size, an IT refresh and increased role in cyber policy are on the table.


Making WannaCry response a model for the future

A top DHS cyber official said that information sharing worked during the WannaCry ransomware outbreak, but will such cooperation work in the future?


What keeps govtech leaders up at night?

A joint survey by Grant Thornton and PSC found that IT stakeholders in government fear their own employees and outdated systems the most when it comes to cybersecurity.


Do children of the wealthy grow up to be bad managers and leaders?

Steve Kelman explores a new research paper that connects income inequality to narcissism and leader effectiveness.

Digital Government

A how-to software guide for federal managers

A guide from 18F aimed at federal managers without a software engineering background prioritizes continuous, incremental improvement and user-centered design.


Amid reorg, agency leaders push for SES reforms

Amid reorganization and downsizing, agency leaders want to ensure there's a healthy pipeline for the senior executive service to carry out its mission.


Agencies steer clear of RIFs in reorg plans

Agencies think they can fulfill White House reorganization goals and trim their workforces by relying on attrition and reclassifying employees.