Digital Government

Trump tech aide touts DATA Act as 'model' for innovation

A few agencies will miss the May deadline to electronically submit their financial data, but robust support of spending data transparency from the White House, Congress and the private sector will keep the pressure on lagging agencies.


OMB seeks more specific IT spending data

New guidance instructs agencies to break out investments for seven standard "support IT" categories.

Digital Government

Orchestrating security technology

To tackle advanced threats in an ever more complex cyber world, agencies must integrate all their security tools, data and processes.


Reorganization fever

The Trump administration's reorganization plan could be a catalyst for substantive change.


McKinsey: A public sector rethink could save $3.5 trillion worldwide

Governments around the world stand to save $3.5 trillion annually within the next five years if they maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of their spending.


White House taps old policies for new government makeover

New guidance from OMB advises agencies to use shared services, GWACs and federal schedules for acquisition, and to leverage IT wherever possible in restructuring plans.


Ash Carter returns to Harvard

The former secretary of defense is taking the helm of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School.


Can Jared fix federal IT?

Seasoned government managers are hopeful about an innovation effort backed by the president, but they see pitfalls and the possibility of duplication.


NARA: More agencies than expected missed 2016 email deadline

Early self-reporting suggests that 81 percent of agencies are on track to electronically manage email records.


NPPD reorg could make a comeback

A plan to reorganize DHS' cybersecurity directorate that stalled in Congress last year is still on the agency's agenda.


Does the SES have a future under Trump?

Former feds believe investing in the senior executive service is the most effective path to reform, but calls by Trump advisers for a rollback of government could deter senior administrators from buying in.


How career feds will manage Trump's government reorg

Without confirmed subcabinet officials, President Donald Trump's executive order calling for a federal government reorganization will be managed by agency chiefs and career executives.


Trump's 2018 budget plan hacks civilian spending for defense, homeland

As promised, a budget blueprint from the Trump administration prioritizes military and homeland security spending, and pays for increases with dramatic cuts to civilian agencies.


Trump's plan to reorganize the federal government

President Trump signed an executive order promising "a comprehensive plan for reorganizing the federal government."


IT modernization is just the beginning

A former agency CIO sketches the key challenges for his successors.

Digital Government

Will agencies get the full value of their information?

According to a recent survey, gaps between existing skill sets and new requirements could hinder records management outcomes.


Oversight Dems renew bid for Trump lease info

The ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has tapped colleagues to assist his efforts to obtain unredacted info on the Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C.


DHS mulls password collection at borders

Homeland Security Secretary tells House Committee that surrendering social media passwords to law enforcement is being considered as a condition of entry at border crossings.


Trump's OMB pick advances amid concern from Democrats

Two Senate committees advanced President Donald Trump's pick to head the Office of Management and Budget on party-line votes, as Democrats raised concerns about his fitness to serve in that role.