
DHS plans to expand shared services

The agency's top financial officer said shared services have helped the department achieve clean audits, and more of its component agencies will be making the switch in the next five years.


One year after outage, MSPB shakes up tech shop

The Merit Systems Protection Board is reassigning its long-serving CIO in the wake of a systems outage that continues to ripple through the agency.


After an 11-month vacancy, Census names a CIO

The Census Bureau has picked Patent Office veteran Kevin Smith to keep its tech shop running.


White House looks to save billions on software

New guidance from top IT and acquisition leadership is pushing the government to stop double-spending and overspending on software.


Are CIOs being frank with the IT dashboard?

In a new report, GAO found that CIO assessments of projects on the IT dashboard downplayed risks two-thirds of the time.


CIOs push back against FITARA scores

Agency CIOs pushed back against their grades in the second Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act scorecard released by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.


Succession planning for CIOs

Don't try to pick your replacement, current and former CIOs advised. Instead, strengthen the office so that any good successor can succeed.


OMB teaches privacy pros about tech

The Office of Management and Budget is looking to forge links between privacy and tech experts, to help the two disciplines work together.


How to stay off the High Risk List

The IBM Center for the Business of Government shares some ideas for staying off the Government Accountability Office's high-profile watch list.


Should airlines pay to get FAA tech past the 1990s?

The nation's air traffic control system is in dire need of stable funding. Is taking the checkbook away from Congress the answer?


Management 101: It really does work

Steve Kelman spotlights new research that shows several "best practices" do indeed measurably improve organizational performance.


Donald Trump needs a transition leader

The billionaire might be the presumptive GOP nominee, but those managing presidential transition prep say he doesn't yet have a dedicated transition team leader or office space.


CIO Scott surprised by crisp pace of FITARA implementation

With the majority of agency FITARA implementation plans approved and posted, the federal CIO said the process of reimagining federal IT management has gone more smoothly than expected.


Let's make government great again -- and start by cleaning house

Alan Balutis argues that the next administration must be bold in modernizing the management agenda.


Capacity building 'critical' for cybersecurity, says State official

State Department official Chris Painter backs capacity building to sustain the progress made on the administration's International Strategy for Cyberspace.


What agency security chiefs want from the federal CISO

Security leaders said the upcoming federal CISO should be willing to collaborate, build on the ideas they've been brewing and give them greater influence in federal circles.


Defense chief's email reveals management style, private-sector outreach

The Defense Department has released 1,336 pages of messages and attachments associated with Secretary Ash Carter's personal email account, some of which shed light on his management style and private-sector outreach.


Rung: Category management needs sustained vision

The top federal procurement official says the year-old category management initiatives have taken hold, but the acquisition community should take a longer view.


7 things no one tells a new CIO

What current and former CIOs wish they'd known before they jumped into an agency job.