
Pentagon ponders going mobile with CAC

Any solution in this "very complicated field" will have to reach beyond the Defense Department.

Digital Government

At Pentagon, it's more mobile with less money

Tighter budgets are forcing leaders to find creative ways to upgrade their technology.


Cyber crooks target digital signatures

Report finds a new family of mobile phone malware allows electronic attackers to bypass the digital signature apps that are key to "identity ecosystems."


Who's getting it right?

The Defense Department's mobile technology pilot programs provide a fast track for the use of smartphones and tablet PCs at the Pentagon and in the field.

Digital Government

FCC crowdsources mobile broadband testing

New app allows any Android user to help measure network performance and download speeds.


Federal agencies still lagging on telework programs

Three years after the Telework Enhancement Act, agencies still struggle to allow remote work, survey shows.

Digital Government

Feds look to share spectrum for commercial broadband

Although a detailed, public-facing database of government spectrum use is not in the offing, the government is working to free up more bandwidth for commercial providers.

Digital Government

A public/private partnership that is saving lives

Steve Kelman explains why a Swedish emergency response system is a model for future cooperation.


Army's technology test-bed event facing changes

NIE start date delayed, as Army officials mull changes in focus and frequency going forward.


Biometrics go mobile

The iPhone's fingerprint scanner could usher in a new era of authentication for mobile devices, but agencies are a long way from abandoning pass codes.


Your essential catch-up of the week's news

In a week dominated by shutdown stories, a few other gems came as well.

Digital Government

3 great agency apps

Apps track agency status, help treat PTSD and allows you to improve the science of weather forecasting.


Why the federal government must plan now for mobility

Slow adoption of mobile can create the very risks that agencies have gone slow to avoid, Nolan Jones argues.


DHS agencies can't wait for BPA

With a bid protest delaying department-wide strategic sourcing contract, two components move to strike their own deals.

Digital Government

Feds take a bite of Apple -- but how much?

Determining the federal market for Apple's iPhone turns out to be pretty hard to do.


Agency IT should focus on apps, not devices

The bring-your-own-app craze can actually make life easier for federal IT professionals who are struggling to contain BYOD.

Digital Government

The mobile warfighter: Preparing for deployment

With a comprehensive enterprise mobility management strategy, defense organizations stand to achieve a new level of readiness.


Calculator takes the guesswork out of telework

How much would telework save your agency? A new tool helps estimate payback.