Digital Government

Secret Service wants app store

The branch of the Treasury Department charged with protecting the president and the nation's financial systems is seeking industry input to develop its own resource for apps.


GSA unveils plan to help agencies manage mobile

A week after the launch of a governmentwide wireless services plan, GSA is unveiling another plan to help manage the services.

Digital Government

A graphic look at agency apps

The number of apps agencies have released has grown by nearly five times in two years. Here's a look at some of the most popular ones.


Agencies showcase latest apps and API efforts

New mobile web sites and programming interfaces show the spread of mobile government.

Digital Government

Feds make good on mobile deliverables

At the Digital Government Strategy's one-year anniversary, agencies get the promised guidelines for security and architecture.

Digital Government

GSA sets wireless purchase agreement

The General Services Administration's new blanket purchase agreement with the four major U.S. wireless carriers will not only allow the agency to consolidate service plans and centralize device management, it could save the government hundreds of millions of dollars.


Agencies give themselves passing grades on digital

While rating their agencies as adequate, few federal IT executives would claim top marks on executing the government's Digital Government strategy. What are the barriers?


DOD says enterprise mobility effort 'will pay for itself'

Despite sequestration pressures, the Pentagon is still working to extend mobile beyond the Blackberry.

Digital Government

DOD targets aggressive mobile timelines

A 30-day approval process is critical to getting new tools into the field, Pentagon official says. But is that realistic?

Digital Government

USAID tackles mobility in the developing world

USAID's mission demands a very different approach to mobile projects than other agencies take.


Telework Week report highlights upside

The 112,000 federal employees who participated in this year's event during the week of March 4 were 'equal if not more productive' while working remotely than when in the office.

Digital Government

BYOD: Why managing devices is not enough

Federal agencies handle data that must be protected, and they are the targets of a determined subset of attackers, factors that make mobile devices and their data a particular challenge.


GAO: Spectrum relocation costs often exceed projections

DOD's estimates for changing communications bands appear to be much more accurate than those of many civilian agencies.


The search for more spectrum

Much of the wireless spectrum coveted for next-generation broadband is currently used by federal agencies. The pressure to share -- or move -- is building.


Sometimes it's hard to share...

Cartoonist John Klossner's take on the push to free up agency-controlled spectrum.


Could virtual meetings replace conferences in sequestration age?

A renewed sense of cost-consciousness is leading agencies to rethink travel policies.


Cleared for takeoff: How pilot projects fast-track mobile tech

Pentagon officials are testing new technologies -- and bypassing budgetary red tape -- to learn what works best.


Progress and problems in hashing out government mobile baseline

s government agencies work to implement measures under the White House's digital government strategy, leaders say collaboration and learning as they go along are helping to propel progress.

Digital Government

There is no mobile government without a mobile citizen

For all of the gains agencies are making with employee mobility, it is critical for agencies to keep in mind the use of mobile devices outside of the government too, writes Adobe's John Landwehr.