
NAVAIR plans 4G cell service for amphibious group

The Naval Air Systems Command plans to leverage commercial cellular technology to test the broadband communications capability aboard three ships in 2013.

Digital Government

New trends emerge in mobile devices, social media

LinkedIn is up, Facebook is falling and BlackBerry is hanging on in new report.


Telework embrace widens

A new survey shows that most government employees who work remotely are content, but a few report failures.

Digital Government

For wounded warriors, mobile apps can offer life-saving impact

New mobile apps help troops returning from combat deal with PTSD, find jobs, seek medical care -- and stay connected to buddies still in harm's way.


Bring your device, but don't forget security

A new survey finds that BYOD can expose agencies to security risks in a big way.


Is mobile security a losing game?

The government faces a new technology threat in mobile security.

Digital Government

Energy launches apps contest

This competition challenges the American developer community to build apps that help consumers get the most out of their utility data.

Digital Government

Is federal BYOD for mobile moving too fast?

The "bring your own device" policy trend for mobile devices shows no sign of slowing down even while security and privacy questions are being raised, according to speakers at a FOSE panel.

Digital Government

Micropurchases can smooth path to mobile

Federal agencies who want to get their feet wet with mobile might want to try buying a prototype for under $3,000, says a federal acquisition expert.


CIOs to the cloud: Let's not rush into things

Federal executives find that the decision to migrate to the cloud is not so simple.

Digital Government

Agencies test user ideas for mobile tech

IT executives at two agencies turned to their employees for ideas of smart uses of mobile technologies.

Digital Government

Forget mobile-device strategy: Here's a better way.

As federal managers struggle to get a handle on mobile devices, speakers at a FOSE panel offer another approach.


VA looking for mobile apps in innovation contest

The Veterans Affairs Department announced a new round of industry competition to develop applications and solutions for the department.


GSA chief seeks to expand shared services

A shared services approach challenges longstanding ideas of how the government should be run, but is an effective option for reducing costs, according to GSA Administrator Martha Johnson.